Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCEANTC Steamship x Co l’ime Table. LOCAL LL\E. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Anīīe Honolula Leave Honolnln from S, F, forS,F. Aug. 11 Joly 21. Sept. 8 Ang. 18. Oct. 6 Sept. 15. Nov 3 Oct. 13 I)ec. 1 Nov. 13. Dec. 8. r Phrou<z;li From San Fran. for Sydney. Anive Honoluln Mouowiu Aug 2 Alanaeda Aug 30 Mariposa Sep 27 Monowai Oct 25 From Sydney for San Francisco. Leave Honolulu. Alameda Joly 26 Mariposa Aug 23 Mouowai Sept 20 Alameda Oct 18 PACiFiC 8AL00N, Corner King and Nunanu Street3. EDW. VTOLTEU....iIanager. The stieouon ol LIQUOKS and BEER, sold any-wberc in tbe town. Firat-class attendence. Call and judge for yourself. no S0-tf. HID-OdEAlI POOL aad BILLIABD PARLORS H. JUEN Proprietor Hotel Strect near N’nuann. 5 SEWING MAOHINE COMFY. CHAS. CIRDLER, Importer aiul Commission Merehant lPECIALTIt!3; J. i P. Goats’ Maehine Thread Jonas Brocks Maehine Thraad Bartxiur3 Linen Threa<l Peaw’ Soap P. O. Box 358. Manal l'elephone 356 13 Kaahomann Street. B. BERGERSEN, Uenenl for SING-ER y 1 Kinds of Needl«s for S«le aad ftepeiriog Done. Damon s Block, Bethel Sire«t, Honololo. P. O. Box 440. jj*l