Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Cltysa Meat Oppo. Qneen Emma Hall, Established 1883. J08. TINKER, FAP* !L Y BJycHE^ Mahcr of the Celebmted Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbi Thesi. Meat D©livered to Any Part of the City and Sobxirbs. Mutual Telephone Number 289. Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Gorner of — HOTEL & NUUANl* Sts. Silk and Crepe?, En>broidered Hadkerchiel':», Window Curtains, Stn»w Fans, Lnnterns, Baskets. all sr>rts; I)ishes, Tea and Breakfast Sets, Traya, Flower Pots, Silk Bed»iuilts, B;»mboo Screens. Xeck-ties, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japaae«e Toys. Japanese Provisions by the wholesale. jy28 MURATA A C0. City - Carriage Co. Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEflT, Blacksmith Work AXD Carrlage Repairing PAINTING : AND : TBIMM1NG In all its Branchcs, at Bcd Rock Prices. Mutual Telephone 382 Give us a Call and judge for yourself. jy23 HoVenl(ee^(Jo. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GlAssware, <$c. WATKE PIPE3 LAID AND PLCMBING XEATLY £XECUTKD No »1 Xauana St, betw««n KIng »a<I HotcI A*«u Buildl jj6 2m Wing Sin[r Qhan, NO. XUUAXL’ street. honolulu Xsiilox A fine~ a8sortment of Amen'ean, English and Scotch Clotba on hnud. gocd work and a FlK8T CLAS8 fit guarauteed Clotbeseaec!dn i repaired jyTlm SAM YEE HOP, So. 552 King Street, Dealer in Califomia and Hawaiian Fruits and Vegetibles f Guava Jelly, Tea and Gmund Coffee, Cigarsetc. jy20 Mctual Tk~ »6. p. o. Bo* ijs. WING WO TAI & CO., Ko. *s Xcriw Hox#utc, H. L. Commission Merchants, —laroiTKX3 A5D Duloi w— Gentrai Merchandi«e. IWae Manil» Clrmr* : Chine*e *nd J»paao«! Crock«fTw»rr, MaUin^. V*i ot *U kliul», C»mphi>rwooil _ Tr*ak», Kailan Ctuura, A F1ue A«Mrtm«nt oi Drv*» lliakeil BnukU of Chitt«ae *nd J*p*a«98 Te*» of L*te*t impoftation« s/AV» fu it$ '«1.