Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
\ m Hiod a J«pplT oi tht V«fy Best Pioowp 8oap of ti, 50, *) aod 7V Rir« ea<-h; THIS >OAP I? THK Fiaest Imported Hore. SPECIAL PRICES FOR 5 C-VSES 1N LUTSM AĪNSLEY £ C0MFS Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH WH1SREI BEX ALDOCHLAX, | Ainsley’s OLl) BIended iGIenlivet GLE ,MON Extra, Sjx)oialJ 6LENU0N SPECIAL LIOUELK SCOTCH WHISKEY. jrS CrONSA17ES GEKTZ, m. BOOT AND SHOEMAKER 1 Repairinii Xeatly Done. Opposītc the CInb StabIo?. Fort Strcet, and will bv glad to see hU ohl friends. myT tf WJL NTED! ULRXlTLRE. DISUES. GLASSWARE. * Clocks, Walehea, Jewclry. Old Gold and Silver, and everything booght aud »old at 114 King Street, cofner of Aiakea. jy37 P. O. Box 209. 405 Nnuanu St. S. YASUM0Ri, MERCHANT TAILOR. Dealer in Japanese Goocls, Boots anil Shoes of Japanese make; Chcap for Cash, New Goods by Every Steamer. jy 23 LEE SU>G KEE, 49 KING STREET. TrSSMITH, asd DEALER IN GLASS~ ware, Crockery, Oool-Oil Stove», Water Pota—PInmbing m All 1U Bnutcbes Faitbfully Eiecnte<i. Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits and Groceries. Fresb Frmts by Evenr California Steamer, Eresb Island Butter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Stroet. Coffee Roasted. P O. Box 169 Fresb Island Prodnce, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the City. jy21 1CEX KEE, TINSM1TH axd DEALER IN TfN\VARE." Piping Laid and Repaired. Ali Orders Promptly Attended to. Charges Very Moderate. Call and See U*. No. 222 Mannakea St., Uonolalu. jy20 Im < “ITOHAN,” IMPORTER DEALER IN OENEEAL ( I Mercbandisrf, Eieiumh of JanAneae . Maaafactare— WHt)LESAI.'E k llKlAIL. 2t>4 and 206 Fort 8tn«t. ' P. O. Box 11« Malaal Tele. 592. jj 18 Japaa JMarket. 1 367 Uaunaha S(reet. Fresh Meat ou Ire 4 Pound 25Cts. SUgcsZ, Manager. aogl cjam kee HORSESHOEING SH0P, Maunakea * Paoahi Street. S7 I 30 I 00