Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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r Pire, L*ife d Marine • INSURANCE. HARTFORD FIKE IXSURAAXE CO.. Assete, $ 7.109,825.49 LONDON-LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO., Assets, $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES-MERSEY MARINE INS. CO., Aj?sets, $ 6,124,057.00 NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BEKGER, GeoeraI Agent for the Hawaiian Is:ands, iionololu \\, E, McIhttii e 8( i^o 1MP0RTERS AXD DEALEItS IN Groceries, !Provisions AXD ī"eed, EAST C0RNER FORT & K1NG|STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet frora the Eastern States and Enrope. Fresh California Prodace b\ T every steamer. All orders faithfally attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Orders Solicited. Satisfactiou Gaaranteed. Post 0fl5ce Box No. 145, TelephoneNo. 92. THE HONOLULU S0AP H0USE. * Sell» tlie very best iiUHlit.T of SOAP at #4.50 pcr 100 pouml» and 17 hars o/ 25 poands bonest weight for #1.25. OEKMAN' BLL'E CASTILE SOAP, m*nufactl ured l)y Grans Bros., Mannheim, Germauv, at 10 eents per pouud. TOILET SOAP.'rctail at wholesale prices. SOFT SŌAP in tins of 42 pouuds, 11.25. STEARIC WAX MININO CANDLES, maunfaetnred by tbe Emny Candle Works of Cincinati, Ohio, 12 Candles for 25 cents. KIAWE FIRE WOOD. $10 per cord. The same cut in blocks of 12 inches lonx at any <juantity from #1 up. Dolivered free of eharce to anv part of the city. 1 KIAWE CHARCOAL at 40 eents a sack. Kiehmond, Va,, CEDAR WOOD POl PAlLS finishe(Hvith brass hoops. 8mall sire 50 cents; iara;e size 75cents. Empty Viuegar and Wine BAKKELS as water recelvers at #1. KITCHEN SALT in sacks of 100 noumU, 50 cts TABLE SALT given away. ĪIigheat cash price paid for HIDLS, SK1NS and TAi.LOW. IST. EHEHAM, Mutual Telephone 314. Bethel Street ang9 P. O. Box 480. Mutcal TelepHo.\e 245. The Cheapest Plaee on the Islands to Buyt NewandSecondHand Fumitnre IS AT THE CORXER 0F King & Nuuanu Sts. I X L Jy» Honolulu IL I.

THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON, Harry Kleuhe, Manager Cor. Nuaanu <t Beretania sts. Honolola, H. I. The Only Sporimg Hoase in Town. O. P. S. a Bp©cialitv. LOHEXGRIN LAGEB |B£ER, Always on I>reaghL 3 GLASSE8 FOR 25 CESTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, ALWAYS ON HAND.

CHOCK IjOOK., Merchant Tailor*, No. 4S Nuuanu St., Honolulu. A finp a£»ortmect of Aawiienn. Knr)i?h »nd Scotch eloih» on haoU. Good work and * Fir»t-ciaM fit gwarnnteed. Clothc» C!e»ned and Rep*ired. Kwong Sing X-*oy Merchant TalIor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladies's Shoes. So. 407 KlneStreet, nesr “Uolomaa,” j«ly5 YEE CHAN, PKAI.K» XX Hi|t FoMijhing (jood| Fine T«Uor'9« Fine Chin«se »nd J»peneae H«Ddk«reiu(ii Koe. 31 to SS Nuueoa 84. H molola, P.O. Box 455. _ »5