Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Hotel Stret [Arlington Block3 The ah ot« R{nrf h*« rr<nrM aoother L*r b r: Ii.voice of j A PANE5E 3lLK f F ANCY Pcr S.S. “China.” —ODXI-XLM>r.— BEAUTIFCL SILK ANI) CKAPF. Dr.«« Good* in all «hode, plain and fi(rnr»-d. Cn»hion«, TaWe Cortn, BedCorers, Oawm, Chttaitte«, Shawl«. Silk Cnpe Kuinhow Silks, AJ1 Colors F*ncy Draj>erie«, EHBROIDERED HANDKERCH1EFS D'jiilic«, So.arfs Siuihr«, •Ta< kct«, Ca]is, Ltc., Etc. NOVELTIP:S: l’lie rric. «<.f Uiew> Good* will aalouwh yon indnding ELEŪANĪ SiLK KIM0N0SI Ii«udsomc Cigarettc €«s«ft, Pin €ushions, Silk Te» Cosgie«, l.iHUE AM» NllLL Jll’i!lESE Kl«S Kilk Und>rcllas, light bnt strong; €hair 8a«i<iles, 8ilk; llHinhoo Klinds, fitted with pulleys; Stlk Lump Sha<Ws, new «tyle. J AI’ANKNE SCUI;» \S, Krotn >3 lp. LIIU.’E JiriNKSi; U1HKELL18 T €ati lie Sel with P>de lu tlie gronnd, nie* for l’ienie» or l.unehea ont of doo«, Uiey c«n l>c opened out or used as a tent. COTT()N CRAPKS IN (JUEAT VAUIETY firinsi>eelion Kes|ie<.tlttlly Invited. Mk8. Cai saco, Aro|rietrees. A|>rl2-3tus JUST ARRIVED, 3 q BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STVLLS, k A \ i\ ■i i i « ■ 1S THE LATEST PATTERXS. ‘SHOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHiNES Hakd Sewi.no Machixss, LV*AI1 With the L*test InipeomnenU’^^P PAIILOK Orcrans, Guitars< Aad Other Mnaienl InstramcnU. \Vines, Liquois, Beer ALWAYSOS HAXD, AXD FOB 8ALB BI ED. HOFFSCHUEGER L 00. Kiag St„ oppo. C«sUe k Cooke*>) FOR SALE. One Marqo«e T«nt. new; Sixe * 16x32 (eel; 6 (eet Wnll; 13 feet Boof 8 oz. I)nck; Poles, Pins, Eing Rafter, eio. Iuquire »t ihe HOLOMUA OFFdCE. *