Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLU” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0XSTITI:TI0N aml LA\VS Framed bv tho Missiouarics. m LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 8. On tbe Iast dav o! Decembcr of cacb yoar. the barbor masters baving faitbfully preserved the inanifcsts spokou of in tbe sixtb and seveutb sections, shall deliver tbem ali into tbe bands of tbe Governors. wbo shall dolivcr tbem to tbe Premier of the Kingdora. 9. Sbips whieh eome to tbesa Islunds for tbe parj‘'o>o of obtaining refrosbraents, or for repairs, must first rendor a clear aud explicit accouut of tbe kind and araonnt o( purchases designod to be raade, and this written account nuist be delivered iuto tbe bunds of tbe barbor master of tbo f>ort, and if he wish to pay for sncb refre3hments, in auy otber articles except raoney, be raust state what articlos. Aud if bo purcbaso articles not raontionod in tbe writien accou’nt, or if be sell any article not raentioned in tbe tii.-t writing, then previous to his sailing frora the port, be shall give iu another correct account. W hoevcr violates tbis law or evados it, and wboevor givcs iu a falso aeeounl, shal! bo brongbt to trial and on conviction tberoof sball bo fined two lmndred dollars. Tbese accounts also sball be prcserved in tbe samo mannev as tbose raeutionod in section oigbt. 10. If any vessel arrived from a foreign conntry baving a passeuger, ou board, tbeu tbe Captain sball gi'6 immodiate notico in writing of tbo name, conntry, ag0i au d business of said passenger. And be sball neitber sot at liborty, or pormit to be landed said passeuger nor bis property nntil tbe barbor master have seeu said writing. bocver violates tbis law sball be fined one thonsand dollars. 11. No raaster of a vessel sball discborge or Ieave ftny of his ruen to remain on shore withont tbe consent of the(»o\ernor or his agcnt in writing. W hoever violates this law sball pav sixtv dollars, aud he who is thus discharged sball leave the Islands by the first snitablo vessel. But if he do not leave according to this reiiuiremont, Ihen he hall bo treated as the deserter spoken of bolow. 12. If any foreigner desert from a foreign vessel, it sball be tbe dntv of the Captain of that vessel to mako it known immed.ately to tbe barbor master wbo will searcb for tbe deserter. lf said deserter be found near the harbor whero the vessel is at ancbor, tben tbo Captain of tbo vessel sball pay to tbe barbor master six dollars and tbe deserter shall be returned to tbe vessel. If he bo found ut tbe plaee remote from tbe anehorage, or ou tho raountains, or at a distanoe of ten milea, tben the reward sball be twelve dollars. Bnt if he be fonnd on anotber island, tben the roward sball be twenty four dollars. If tbe deserter be kept on shorc aud boarded, the pay required will be balf a doIIar per day. f bougb tbis sectiou does not prevent a spec:al ugreement between tho Captain of the vessel and barbor master respecting tbe deserter provided it be entered into previous to his being taken. If a foreigner deserls, and tho vessel frora whieh be deserted sailed withont tbe Captaiu’s baving given uotice respecting said deserter, or if he delay to givo nolieo foi forty eigbt houre after tbe desertiou of tbe man, then be sball be considered to bave discbarged bis man aud shall therefore be fined according to tbe reqnirement of tho eloventb section of tbis law. 13. Every foreigner who deserts, or comes on shore sccretly without the knowledge of tbe Governor or bis agent, is obuoxious to this law. W r boever docs it sball be pnt to bard labor, from whieh he shall not be freed nntil he loavea tbe conntry. He roay also at tbe discretion of the Noblcs be dispossessed of all bis property. But if the Nobles think best to leave him his property and sabstitnte a fiogging. it shall be lawfol, tboagh tho stripes shall not exceed tbirty. li. If any native, or foreignor residiug on sbore cntice a man belonging to a foreign vessel to loave his vessel, or if any one eoneeal a foreigner on shore, or if any one sce a deserter and onderstand him to be sucb, and do not give notice to tbe haibor master nor to the Nohlea, then be shall be considered as accessory to tbe desertion and ahall ba fined six dollars. ooe balf to the captain of the vessel from whieh he deserted aod the other half to the government. . 15. It shall be the dnty of the Governor, and officers,and of the people at large, as well as of tbe land ageots, to ba on ihe alert, and when tbey see a foreign deserter, seize him and deliver him to the barbor Master. Wboever seizes a deserter thns, shall receive one hall of the reward. 16. lf any foreigu vessel be in difficolty, be wrecked, or snflering from a severe storm, or if in straits of any otber kicd, it shall be the daty of the Oovcrnors and all loeal authorities and all tbe peopie to aid within their ability him who is thna distressed< And they ahall receive tbeir pay by a satvage of the part of ike property rescoed by them. lf there be no previoos oontract, and the owaer of tue property and knoae who aaved it do noi agree, ihen referees shall be appointed io deoide khe amooni oi rewsrd. (To Bc Coniinv*Lj