Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Dr. J. T. Hatzopulos • > f > rofessionallv Known as 6EORGE. Will give a Wonderful Exhibition of STRENGTH e«jual aod surpassi;ig the feats of Saudow, at Hawaiian Opera Honse. —on— SATURDAY, - August 18 RESERVED SEATS AT EEVEY’S. auK’. PURIFIED WAl'EK. 13 U3ED BY TUE CoN3ULID.V FED SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY—Limited. Tln.e3r t£ie E r, ovLrLtein.s T , ln.ioia.g , liovLt tlxe Cit37% EXCEPT1NG ONE FvLie as Cr37-stal. ■&r IT. «CS * aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholonalo aml Retail Doalers in 2Tira.e CigrsLrs, Sno.o3rirrg: eolaaoeo, anu Smo3rers -^-rtioles. Agents for the Celebrated GK 13. D. PIP KB, MADE 1N PAKI3. M)f7 Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner trr DRUG ST0RE Pure Drugs, Pine Perfumes, Prompt Attention, Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Sts. N0T1CE. & S. Will oo AUGUST ist Retnove fromhia pre*eoi »tors on BoteI «trret, to the pleee formerlj oceupted by Benaoo L Smitb * Co., “ " * After I get »eitled ft will be to f<mT »d?ant-