Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

WANTED. Tbree bright Hawaiian Girls t o soll tho famous VIAVI REMEDY. Appl} r at the offico of the Viavi Kemedy on Kiog Street. aug6 F0R SALE - RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Organ and Sewing Maehine inquire of K. F. BCKGES$. Beretania Street. POUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notioe is hercbj given to all persons that there art at the GoTemment Pound at Makiki, two strared dark brown horses, One : of tne»e nave long white spot on the head, 3 white legs, sore at the right hind leg and brand indi cribable on the same leg. The other have heen b(anded indiscribaWe on the rigbt bind leg, aore at the right foreleg. Ali persons owning th< se horses are rcquested to eeme and take the aame on or before 12 o'oloek uoon, 8ATURDAY. AUQ. 25, 1894. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, Aug. 13. 1894. aug 13-lwdlj AOMINISTRATION'S N0TICE. T1IE UNDERSIGKED haring bv«n dulv . appointcd Administratrix of tlio ortate of Ū. K K \*uuk (k), late of Halaula. Kohala, Uland of Hawmii, deceased. Notlce is hereby given to »11 creditor? of tbe deceased to pre»ent lhcir eimim* whether »ecured hy Mortgaee or otbcrwUe dulv aathendicated and wiīn Uie proper vouchers, : if any exist, to tbe undersixned wilhln six | montb» from Uie dale hereor »r tbey wlll be ; torever barred; and all per»ons indebted to I the decea»ed are reqoe»t lo make imj mcdiate payment at thc Office of 8. K. Ka >k Comer of Kiaz »nd Bethvl Streeu. 1 Up»tairs. MRS. NAOMl KAAIHUE, Admini»tratrix of the E»tatc of H. K. • Kaamne, decea»ed. Hoaoluln. Aagn» 14 1993. 3w, i—: CRITERION SAL00N, WcilM4.Extra.Palc ; Lager Beer 2 Schooners for 25 Cta. * jj!4 L. H- DE£. Prop’r MACH1NE MADE FACTOBY, : KALIHL Taro PI*nta, Fwah Tops *nd R*w Taro at all times. Ring Up MaUnl T«Mpfaooe 577. Bell 345. ■