Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ADMINISTRATION‘SNOIIOE. TI1E UNDERSIGNED having becn duly ;tpp«itnted Temporary Administrator of th'e Estate of Jusepu Heanopele. deeeased. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the deeeased t« prēsent their elaima whether j set;ured hy Mortgage, or olherwise, duly aulhendicated aud with the propcr vouchers, if any e\ist to the wllhin sii mouths froni the date hereofVor they will be forever barred;_.and all pereon» indēbted to the said deceased are request to make immwlia’e paymeut at the Office of S. K. ; Ka-ne, Cor’ner of King aud Bethel Strects, Up-»taire. 8. K. KANE. Teraj>oniry Adniinistrator of the Estate of Josebh Heanopele, deceased. Houolulu. August 16, 1SSH. aug I6-3w Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for tbe first time manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man outside of the United Kingdom. who uses W1RE, whieh will not RUST; he having secured fttelusive rights to use the sarae. i PATRONIZE HOME IN0U8TRY is a hackneyed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nation, industries must be fostered. Keep your monev in vour own islands, and : buy a 1 r Non-Corrosive Solid Comfort Spring Bed, made 5n Honolulu, whieh will not SAG or RUST. or. K l*erfvction Col, Child‘« Crib, Vcrandah Chair, 1 Loungc. Thpec-Qaartcre Simrlc and Fnll 8ize, Fulding Wire Bcds. > l j i i ARTI0LES »uitable to yonr 1 I climste; PR1CES snitable to the titaes, as you fiad them. For | the . | l)est BED in the i Market, I rec»mraend tbc HARTFORD ! WEAVE SPRING BED, Treble I j Wire all through, WOVEN as fioe as eloih. Solid * 4 iueh. Maple frames, Malleahle j Castings, Warranted in every par- ' ticular, Never yet failed to give I I satisfaction. t I offer these goods to the nuhlie j | with confidence. having made them .; for years. You ean now get your j I - Large KOA BEDS, j fiued with a WIRE MATTRESS. ; | Any size made lo order. Bov tbe, BED of the FUTUBE, of Ueean. T. H. Davies Ā Go. Lt’d., Hopp A Co., Wiiliam» Q j Bros., I. X. L, Ordway Jt Porter, 5 or of the Makef i W0VEN WIRE BAILEY. Hoiel 84reet, Honolulo, (uext door »o Hom*» 8t«am B*kery.)