Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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Tfais something for nothinp article, we had in Ust week has (]emoDstrate«i three thinps. F1R.ST, that a good maay people iraut something for notbicg nud I « SECO?iD, the rast ditTerence tbere is in the ideaa of ralnes—the gaesses made, rangad from $150 to ?2,000, while the nearest guesser Miss Lena Brans. who wins the Dress Pattern, was $300 under the ralae of tbegoods: and the second best gnesser Mrs. Harry Lewis was $310 orer the valae. wianing the second prize. THIRD, tbat tbe real jadges, 1 of ralaes snap up bargains, when a real bargains is offered. 1682 people entered oar store last week, of whheh 1563 made parcbases, becanse ; tbey found what they wanted at satisfactory prices. Tlrsweek. Embroideries, Lacos, I l Feilora real Torchon \ alen- i ciennes, Black Spangled and | Beaded Laces in latest norolties will go; also, we want to eall yonr special atteution to LADIES j RIBBED VESTS in COTTON at 110 cents, 12i cents,*15 cents and 25 cents; these have only to be ’ lookeel at to canse you to buy l them. Fine pure white and j Egyptian Lisle at 75 cents. All wool Eibbed Vests in white and mtural colors. • Silk Ribbed Vests, and Merino Ribbed Vests. These goods we carry in low neek uo sleeves; high neek,; \ sleeves, they are beantiful and I new goods. The Audralia has brought us no eud of new things, that we will mention next week. B. F. EHLERS. | (