Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
FolI ag«inr Smitb's bcsse* #re receĪTiup well-desene<3 patroaage. Pienty of s-ind, too mneh bent and dust, and yet no rain. The Boaid of Healtb di<l meet yesterday afernoon. Tbo polilieal racket in tbe Healaui Boat clob will probably end in a law-sait. Tbere is not a very pronounced eutbnsiasm among tbe inernbers of the Tbeosophic-il Society over tbe lecture of Mrs. Tbird. Do not forget tbe programme by tbe modern Hercules, Dr. Hatzopnlos at tbe Opera House on Sii(ardHy eveuing. lt is roported that tbere is a feIIow feeling, with a club, be twcen the Leagae anvd tbeScbeutzen club. Tbe residence of Her Majesty at Wasbington Plaee is still closely watched as is also tbe residenee of Mi Dole. Remembor tbe Holomua is only fiftv CENTB per moatb, dolivered at your residence and you get all tbe news, worth knowing. Order by telepbone. Captaio Griffiths of tbe clipper bark Albert does not now expect to get away for San Francisco beforo Tucsday of uext week. Tbo 'Tiser compels two fisbormen to hook a “mystery” bring it to laml and tbeu lose it agaiu and tbo fiud, tbertfore, yet reraaius a “mystery.” We will all be tbore. Wbere ? Wby, at tbo Scbeutzen Ciub Musquerade Ball, Mouday, September 3, 1894. Everybody is goiug. Are vou ? * 1 Professor Berger is composing a new waltz whieh will bo entitled ! “Waikiki Waltz’’ and whieh will be tbe deligbt of all followers of Terpsichore. — Mine host Lycurgus of Sans Sonci and Col. Jira Sberwood of tbe famous Long Branch Batbs will be at borae to callers this eveuing bofore nud after the band concert at Makee island. Quito a number c-f tbo fair sex are devoting their eveningsto the j instruction of Japanese in the arls of a “highor civilization,” the Lyceum corner Kukui streot being tbo school-room of instruc- ■ - tion. An es-Britisb sailor nameel CoutIer h«s been arrested cbarged witb bigbway robbery of a ’ ! ehinaman wbo “stood np” at tbe r Pali on tbe nigbt of tbe 14tb inst. r Coulter wears war-medals of serr vice in Soudan and £gyptian rs • Tbo caso against J. Coaiter the allegod burglar and higbwpy j robber will bo heanl tomorrow in j tbe District Gourt. Tbe ehinaman wbo was robbed near tbe Pali was brought iuto town tbis . morniug. Tbe poor fellow has } j been cruelly assaulted aqd ' lookod a lrigbt. Tbe funor.il of tbe late Mrs. * 1 Malia Kahai took plaee from the 1 : residence of Hon. J. A. Cammins ’ i this afternoon at 3 o’elook. There was a large attendauce of friends ’ [ atul aoquaiutances many of whom ' i followed the body to its last, ’ i earthly, rosting plaee. ‘ At tbe adjourned meeting of ' | tbe Healani Boat Clab beld last ' evening in tbe rooms of tbe I . Chamber of Commeroe tbe followvig membere were elec(od II 6fficers; president, O. E. Board- ’ man; vice president, L. de L. 0 Ward, eecretary, C. F. Herrick; e treasurer, Albert Luca$; aqditor, 0 J. A. Low, Captaiu A. L. C. Atkinsou t 1f Yol k Horse or Doo ° is aiek send (hem at onee to 905 r King Street. Tho only Yeter8 inary Infirmary in ihe Bepublic I !ully equipped with modera ap 1 pliarees aud akilllull aitendants l awHn
Mrs. Thirds, tbe latel v am'ved I Tbeo*opbicaI lecfurer. made ber debat before an Honolala andienee last eveniug, at Theosophy Hali. Nouana street, a large nomber of people being present In plain, terse iangoage tbe lady gave to ber faearere an introdactory insigbt mto tbe intention of theosopimts and tbe principles of belief of thc latterdaysreligion and, besides, gave an answere to many inqniries from amongst the audience. Mrs. Tbirds will remaiu here for some time vet and * intends to give anotber tbeosophieal talk in tbe ncar future. Colon (Colombia), Jaly 30.— Refugees fro.n Rama aod Blnefie'ds tell horrible tales of the cruelties perpetrated by General Cabazos and his snbordinates when tbey foand Chief CIarence approaching. Not even tbe women escaped their fury. Miuneapolis (Minn.), July 30. -*-Tbe third disastroas fire in the bistory of jdinnaapolis broke out abont 3:30 o’eloek ,this afternoon ; |in tbe lmnber yards of tbe Sbovliu-C.«rpenter Company, on tbe bauk of the Mississippi river, at tbofoot of £igtb avonnenortb. It sproud witb remarkable rapidity, and beforo it was controlled destroyod property valued at nearly >'-500,000. Sau Bernardino, July :10.—Last evening abont 9:15 o'eloek an eartbquako ehoek was felt bere, causing doors and windows to rattle. The First Metbodist £piscopal Cburcb coutained a large congregation, whieh beeame panie stricken, but a few cooler bcuds quieted tbo people iu time to save wbat raight have been a fatal crusb at tbe doora.