Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 ʻAukake 1894 — Armed Dudes. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Armed Dudes.

Tbe Impenal preseut to tbo soidiors now rn Korea basalready been reforre«.l to in tbese columns. lt cousists of cigarrettes »nd wiuo. On lbe 2nd iustaut tbe lwaya Co , iu Oiuaa, Tukyo. receivod trom tbe lmperi «1 Uousebold an order to m&nufacture witbin tbo apaeo of tbroe days no less tbau balf a miilion packets of cigarettos, eacb packot to contain tweuty-fivo cigarettes; the firm was also orderod by tbe War Departmeat to make 1,300,000 packets of a particular kind of oig«rette eacb packet to hold ten. Tbe Imi>erial iutention relative tothos6Tery acoeptable gifts bad already beeu communicated to Major-Geuoral Osbima. Cotnmander- in-Cbief of tbo troops iu Kore.i, and lo Kear-Admiral Ito, in command of the Japanese aquadron iu Korean waters. Tbe replies of tbeso two officers bave einoe reached tbe lmperial Housebcld Department, asking tha( tbeir profonud gratitude aml rospoct sbould be conveyed tc the £mperor and £mpresa foi tbeir Majestiea most graciout nonsideration for tbe comfort foj tbe snldier< and aaiiors in Rorea —Japan Unil.