Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Full Moon Concert. [ARTICLE]

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Full Moon Concert.

Tbo band will givo a public coucert tliis eveninp nt Makoe island, tbo programme eommeucing at 7:30 o’eloek. • As tbe moon fills tbis evening tbe opportunity to viow tbe waters of tbo bluo Pacific under the beautiful efiects of a tropic moon sbould bo au additional mduceraent towards inducing a inultitude of poople to take passage for tbo spot by tbe pnll-<lonkey cars of the loeal tramway. Following is the programmo of musical events: Fart i. I OTfrturc—“Fifīicb Coinctl> * •j Wilu —*‘8outbren Mt-i»lcr ā H»l!ad—“On the Sea "..(by reqacst).. Schabert * Eeho Pioee —“In Swtt*erL»nd’’......Ilume Mi-»»r». Krentcr *nd Kapna. TART II. .% Medlev—“P*lanl*tion SonR»”.j.< ; o«terno 6 \VtUtr—“The Paradiae of the P*cinc lV>H!er 7. Poik»—“Nuuaau V*ilev” Bcrger s 8cho«ii*eUe— * ‘Prettv " omen of Ho"Ha.vaii Ponoi."