Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables Company, £. F. Manager Livery and Feed Stables. FORT STHEET, betwwn Hotel anti Beretania Slreet-s, Honolulu. Both Telephonc9 . — jy23 Im 4 »< PIONEEU Steam CANDY Factory. B.iKi:RY an<l Ice Gream Parlors! HORN m m 1863 ll!i w» 1894 •Jl \V» PRAC'TICAL CON FEC T!ON JĪJ H axd ORNAMENTER /;i all hrauchn of ihe bw>iiiffi on lhe*f inlamh. American. Etu;iish, Oennan «ud Frcnch PASTRtES M*dc toOnlcr. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES MaUe ot tbe Very B«-st Maln ial and at Keaaonahle Rates. Family Graham &. Fancy Bread Ahcay* on Hnml. ALL COXFEiTIOXERY Manu£tctured at My Establi«hment Arc (inarante«tt to bc Posttircly Pure and Sotd at Prires no other establisbment ean eompele wlth. FACTORT AND STOUE, No. 71 Ho*et Street, Honolulu. Botb Telepbones N'o. 74. yyt3G PANIHEON SALOON, FORT ANT> IIOĪEL 3T8. Headparters Eulemme Brewin Co. THE Largpst Consignment of Beer lhat ever arnved here, now on Draught J. DODD, Pn>p’r NOTICE TO Yisitcrs. Pieaie Parties, Lnans ~ASO—OENEKAL PUBLICI V At Smith'9 Bls asi> Lxvery Stable, Kis<; Street. f Adjoiaing Mein poLUn Meat Market.] Is the Cbespest PUee in T./wn yon ean gc Bnases, WagonetM«, and Sa>!dl< Hones. It will pey yoa to eall and se« before yoo try eleewbere. Maiual Telephone 408 aagl-tf Pioneer Shlrt Factory E3TABLi3HEO lvs7. A. M. MELLIS, Proprietor, 515 Fort 3»., (Ufutair»; llonololn, Good PU. J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot &. 8hoemaker. 111 Fari Street. Bepairing. seatly Done, half sole «nd heel witb pegs, 11.00. Hali aolo acd hool ie«iag, 11,50.