Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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V«*na, Jaljr 31,—Fifty-eigbt nēw cAaes of cholera anJ twentynine Jeatbs from tbe Jisease were reporteJ in Galicia on Jaly anJ 2dtb. Constaniinople, July 31.—A Jispatch frora Crete says a man fireJ a shot toJay at the GoTernor General. He was sligbtly wpan JeJ in tbe head. Lon Jon, J aly 31.— In tbe Hoase of Commons Sir William Har- . coart moreJ the closore of tbe debate on tbe aricied tenants bill, aod to app)y the gaillotlne to certain seotioos in onler tbat i tbe basinees of the a*ssion raight be finisbed by Aogost 9th. Thu waa oppoeeJ. bat fioally - ihe motion was adopted witbont a JĪTisioa. =S.' > --- •- :wif .i •-