Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

( Jnly34 im. In “PaddenLe4id Wilaon’? Philosopby” Mark Twainsj»\s: *'Pat all of yoar eggs in one kasket — and watch tbat basket” Eggs are not tbe only tbings lo wliieh thia applie», we ean make it nl .it<)ves and cbange eggs into do:lars and make it read —lnvest ; yoar eoin in a Pansy Stove—and the stove will watob itself We have keen watching these stoves for tbe p »st five years, an.l fiud ' tbem tbe kest iron stove sold in this market fcr tbe money, I Wbere else than at onr store ean ! yoa get a stove tb«t will do overything that a 150 stove will doand get it for f 15? Ecbo answers, ‘tbe plaee >su’t bnilt.’ We bave sold Lnudretls of these stoves in Honoluln, aud never had a eom- | plaint. Two weeks ago, wosold i one to a gentleman on Hawaii, and yestenlay be ordered anotlier for a friend. The stove sells itself through its fael s.iviug qaalitics. and because, it is a good baker. You ean get other j styles of stoves if yon are not : particular as to the quantity of fuel yoa bura or bow yonr food is cooked. There’s no dys - pepsia in meals prepared on a PANSY. W T e received last week a lot of wire clotbes-lines tbat bold wasbed clotbes witbout asing pins. It is a sort of double wire arrangemeut »nd tbe pieces are held in between; the barder tbe wind blows the tigbterthe pieces are held to the line. There is aksolotely no danger of tbe clothing being torn as there is p-»tbing sbarp 'tibout tbe liue. W T hile the cost is a trifie greater than rope, tbis new style will last so mueh longer tbat it is eeonomieal to buy tbe pinless line. x The CLAUSS is one of the new fangled s-iw-edge knives that cuts warm bread witbout leaving it beavy and iced eake witbont making crombs Tbere are two or three d fferent m <kes of tbese knives, all on the same principle and eaeh one prononnced tbe best on eartb by the manalaetarers. We selected the Clanss, whieh we be{iove as adisinterosted spectator to be better than its neighbors. Yoa never had anytbiug in your life that give as moeh satisfaction for a doliar. If yoo were buying the other sort yoa would get only one. The favorite sewing maehine in any commnnity is tbe one that does the tuost for the le »st monev and whieh rnns the easiest. In ihe “Wertheiiu” yon have a maohine that sews three distinct stitches—Tbe Loek, Cbain and Embroidery and runs easier than any other maohine, and yon pay twenty dollan less for it, £conomy stands boldly every side when you bny a WeHheim. In tncking the ehaio sti(cb is prcferable, bnt in other x kinds of work. the loek stitch is the besL 1£ you bny a maehine that sews ihe look.nnleea it is a Wertheim, it won't aew a ohain stitch. Theie*s no partienlar saving in boying a maehine with but one stitefa, Ihe Weiiheim does three and M«M yon lots of tronble and work. W »’»e jost unpacked six easks of stand lampeihai wero baflt for |kardtnMa. They have meiai [Wam'iunA aw decorated ao as to y , - r . I,