Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — The Ominous Silence. [ARTICLE]
The Ominous Silence.
k , A iew montLs ago the Repub- > liean papers were bowling abont tbe Hawaiian # matter and telling ■ tfae people that the Democratic [ party waa not patriotic, because ( o( ihe stand iaken in Queen Liliuokalani'a dethronement. But is it not a little strange tfaat the Bepoblican State platforma have foughkrathersby of thatqnestion, aud tfaat there are no vociferous , protesta, whieh were expecte<l to follow tho conrse of President , Cleveland. That “daontle8s Amenean spirit’ : rubbish that j erowded the party organs seems to have disappeared, and the shrewd mea of the party have deeided to keep mom on the »atter. Prealdent Gleveland and hu adminiatration need no better vindieation than this significant mlenee on ihe pari of the enemies ol ihe Demoeratic party.— So*tk Wt$L \