Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUGE CARTWR1CHT Baāia««s of » Fi'lūci*rj Kstsic Tr?asacted. Ppompi »U«ntk>Q giren to the mioipemen? of Estateft, G i*rdianships, T rasw, etc., etc., ete. : Cū iicrijht BuiUimg. Verchant Street. Honoln’a H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Hoasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Str©ot. - Honololu Farailies, Plnntatious ami Ships snpplied with choicest FAiropean & Amenean Groceries California Produce by Ever\ T Steamer. JExcliange Corner King ann Kuuann Streeta. S. I. SHA\V Proprietor. The Finest so’ection of LIQCORS and BF.EU. sold anywhere in tbe town. First-class attendance. Call and jadge j (oryonrBeIf. 'no 113—tf. LEWI3 4 C0. Whoiesaie snd Retaii Gro AND PROViSION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8uu Francisco Steamer Salt Saljcon in Barrels a Specialtt. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, p O. Box 297. i CALIFORNIA Wine Oompany 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block, JOBBERS OF ! WINE8, and SPIRITS KENOLUN, PH0T06RAPHER, Nnnanu aud Paoahi 3trvct». Cabinets, 13.50 Per Doaen, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Goch1» and Cbinese Silks. jj« | Iplalional !poq Woi^ QUj£KN Street, j Betw een Alakea & Ricbard Sts, ~ THE UNDEESIQNKD »re prcpued to noake all kinda of Iron Bnaa. Brome, Zine, Tmaad Lmd Castmg». Abo Q«anl BepairBbop fcw SAwurt Enginw, Bioe ViDs, OomMilla, W«tar WM. Wind MIU*, «te. H—M— far *k» rU«Tiing o i Cofcc, Caetor Oik, Bwm, lUm ie, &sal, PiiiMppk Lmvm k otber Fibrra« PVwta, And P»per 8tock Alao Maehiaw lor £xtra«tuig Starch from tke Maaioe. Amv Eoot, ete. AQ Otd*m «ttat>d«d to. WHIT8» RiniAW 00.