Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.il HOLOMUA, IS PCUI-ISHED Kverv A.ftemoon EXCEKT SO'DAT ET THE Holomua Publishiag Co. At Kinp St. (Tbomas block), Houolala, H. i. pcr 50 fts. Tbe {wper 1« deliTered by C«rriere in the to«n «nrt «abnrfo«. Sind»Co«« lat M» it tDc Newii Deaierfc »ud at lte Office of poUicatioD. EOMUnO N0RRIE. • - Edlior P, M ROO*EY. - - Manager NOTICE. | Ali BnKioetw Conm3uclc«tion* »houM be addm«ed to P. M .ROONEY, Hono- ; Inln, H. I. Oorre*i»D<ienoe and ( ’ominnnieaUon» lor nnhlimion «honM be «ddrwwe<l to the £<iit<>r ila«<ui Holomna. No noiiee «ill be p*»d to ur anonemon* eomiuonieaUona. Hujsiucss Carcls VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, Attornoy aml Coonsolor at Law, Ollieo, Site of the 01(1 Bethel — Wost Corner of King aml Bethel 8treets. jv‘2l A. P. PETERSON, * ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Offlit: 113 Kiiahnnounu S*xeet, Houolulu iluwaiian I«land». CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTOKXEV AT LAW. Offiof: 113 Kaahnmanu Street, Honoluln Huwaiiau lalauia. PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNKY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Streot, Honolulu, Mutnal Telephone 415. CLARENCE W ASHFORD, ATTOBKKY AND OOUN8KLLOE AT LAW. Office. 01d C*pitol ItnildinR, (Honoluln Hale), a<t joining Post Offioe, Honoluln. A. ROSA, ATTORKEY AT LAW, So. 15 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islamls. H. F. BERTELMANN. OONTUACTOB AND BCILDER, 86 King St., Bell Telephoue 107. F. H. RF.DWARD. OONTRACTOR *sn EUHOEK, No. 506 Kiug Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian lslands. WILLIAM FOSTER, AtORNEY-ATLAW A NOT.\RY PUBLIC, Hooolulu. H. I., 13 Kaahumanu Street. jy24 A. G. CORKEA, MTATTORNEY at law,_<h 30“ Meeehani Street, Honolulu. jy23 »AV1D DAYTOX, Agent to Take Aoknowledgmeuts. Will Atteud to Management and Sale of Property—Collection in All Its Branches. Offioe No. 42 Mercbant Street; Mutual Telephone 380. jy23 A. S. MEDEIROS & CO.. MercUaat Tailoi*H. AEoeneaa, £ngliah and Scotfh Twwds <m h«jd. I'uvt-olass «ork gaarant*ed. Hotei 8C, under Ar!ingtou Holel, Houoluln jj I7"l»on. Fernaiides i Gomes WHOLKSALE — Californla Wlnea and Spirtts, No. 502 Fort St.. H molulu, H. I. P. O. Box 488, Muiual T«le. 140. iy«S»