Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 ʻAukake 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


I ' C0NST1TI’TI0X and LAWS . Fnim«l bv tho Missionaries. i LAWS of tlie HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. * ō. If anv offioer ahall act coutrary to tbo ro»juisitions of this law aml require males aml females to work togetber, | or to sleep in tbe same yard, or eompel a womaa to perform labor not appropriate to bor sex, or require oue to perform labor for bimself jier8onally. or for a particular cbief. the ofllcer wbo does any of tbese tbings, sball in bis owa person sustaiu tbe punisbment of tbat mau or woman wbom be bad thus treated. Wheu tbis law shall be printed and put into tbe bauds of the oflicers, tbeu it sball take ett’ect at all places on tbose Islands. All the words of this law having been agreed to by the Xobles and by the Bepreseutative Body, we have bereunto subscribed our names on this eighteeutb day of May, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and for-ty-one, at Luhaina, Maui. (Signed.) KAMEHAMEHAIII. KEKAULUOHI CHaPTEB XXVII. STATUTE BEGULATIONS RESPECT1NG sthp< VESSELS, AND HARBORS. 1. It sliaU W l.wial for ships and vessels of all connt-Ī23 at peaee jvith this, and engaged in lawiul pursnits, to eomo to and anchor at all tho roadsteads, ports and harbors of the Hawaiian Islauds. No embarras»ment shall be thrown in their way by tho governors or loeal authorities of any plaee. No impost, dnty, or tax shall be reqnired except by express provision of law. 2. Pilots sball be establisbed at all the Hawaiiau ports where pilots nre necessary. His Majesty tho King, together with the Premier and Governor shall make tho appoiutment, and give the commission. Said comraission shall state tbe wages of pilotage. 3. lf any man in u deceitfnl mannor shall presont biraself as a pilot. and act as pilot ut any of the h«rbors of the Islands and take the pay of a pilot withoat first haring receivceived a certiticate of appointment from the King, is gnilty of a violation of this law. Ho sball be brought to trial aud ou couviction thereof shali bo fined ton dollars, and ahall fortherraore restore what ever he deceitfnlly received in payment. And if ho involvo tho ship in difficulty he shall pav r to the captaiu all damages snstaiued by him, or in dofault thereof shall bo imprisoned one year. 4. lf any pilot shall deceitfully take bigbei pay than is allowed in his certificate of appointment, be sball on eonviction thereof bo fiued four tiracs the araount whieh he deceitfully claimed; thiis, if be took onedollar wrongfnl!y, he sball pay four, and if he took ten wrougfully be sha!! pay forty. 5. It shall be the duty of all Pilots or harbor masters to give to ever) r Captain of a ?oreign vessel, the laws of tbe harbor where said vessel ancbors and tbe captain sba’.I give him a certificate of acknowledgemeut tbat he haa received said laws. If any pilot or harbor master shall neglect thus to give a copy of the laws, and tbe eapiain of the vessel ther«by becomes involvetl in difficulty, becan.se of this ignorance of tho lawa, then the Pilot or harbor master sball be liahle and sball pay to llie Captain the full amount of all damages sustitined by him. 6. Whea a mercbant vessel arrives at any port or harbor of the Hawaiian lslands, no goods ahall be lande<l from a foreign country until a correct manifestgivinga full account of tbe goods fae delivered into the hands of tbe harbor i master. lf the Captain have the charge of tbe sales, then be shall deliver tbe manifest, but if he bave not, and tho goods are consigned to »oma oue resident on shore, then he to whom the property is eonsigned most deliver the manifest* Wben tbe harbor master receires said manifest, he will then give a certificate of permission that said goods may be landed lf the certificate be not given, then the goods, must not be landcd. Whoever violates tbis law or intentional!y evades it, and whoever delivers a false manifest shall be broogbt lo tria) and on conviction thereof shall be fined to the amonnt of one foorth of tbe raloe of ail the properiy wrongfu!ly landed by him. 7. When goods are ooee laoded, baving been registered on the Mamfest. it sball not bc proper for the Capt iin again to take them on board his ves.se 1, nor sball it be proper for him to take other property on board. vritbont giving, preI vious to his departure, a correct manifest of said property. Whoever violates this law or ev ides it ahall be fiued to the amoant of one (onrth of the valoe of all tbe property thas illegally Uken away. * The manilaa* most stete the qasatity «ad kmd ot goo»U. (To Jk OoiUinued.)