Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THK HAWAIIAN REPUBUC. 0FFIC1AL LIST 0F MEM BERS AM) LOCATĪON OF BCREAUS. Ex*crxiT¥ Cor:»cn.. S. B. I>o>. Prr*J.l*nt o( tb« ProTision«' ('.oeem oento( Um Haw-kiUn »r,J M(Ql.«ter o( POiein Affxlr«. J. A. KIn«, i(tsl«ter uI Uie īatcnor. S. M. Ounon. Mlniner o( PĪnānee. W. O. Sraltt>. A :toraer Gener».. Ax>visomT Cocxcrt. 'V, f. w;;.ler, Vlee Pre«Mer,; of the Pror1«lon» Ooeemmen: of Lb« Ha-walUn Isl»oJ«, C. Bolte. Oeeīl Brown, John Xott, John En«. J«mes F. Ed. 8 ihr, J». P. Mendone«. John Rmne!nth. E. I>, Teoner. W. r. Allen. Benry W«terhou*r, A. Tonu». F. M. R«teb, Ch»». T. R.HĪ«er». SeereU.-y Ex. « d Ad» Ooome&a. Stprkme Cocbt. Hon. A. F. Jud,l. Chle( in*ttee. Hon. R. F. Biekerton. Flrs! Av>.vl»t,> Ja«tire. Hon. W. F. ( re»r, eeoon ! Aiaoelaie Jn»ttee Hcnrr Pmith, Chle( Clerk. Geo. Lue» », Deputy Oerk. C. F. Petem»n.8ecMnd Depntj Oerk I. W«lter Joue*. SleDocnpher. CimcriT Jcdgcs. |h;*:55S* , |o^» 9ee->nd Clrciilt: (M«nt) A. N. Kepolkol. T|V , 1 d « r > (1 FoiirthCireotU; (H«w«H)S. UAu»tln Fl(tli Clreult; (Kau«D J. H«rdr. OHlee* and Conrt-room In Coort Rou*e. Kln» *treet. 81ttlnic In Honolu.u~The rtr>; Moud»> lu Febru«ry, M«y, Au*um and N >-mber. Dxr*Bnix.vT'’ o«*ios Arr»i»«. Ollloe In C«pitol ttuiid!nr, Kln* »treet. Hi* Kxce!leney S«u(or.l B. Dole, Mlnl»lero( Forel«u Anln, Oeo. C. Potter, SeereU ry. W. Hor«ce Wnght, Uonel H«rt, C!erks. Prr irr*svror 15x1x10«. Offlre In Eieeiulee Bniidlng, Klng itreec. HU E*eellenry J. A. K!ne, Mtnl*tero( !utcrior. Chle( Clerk, J<>bn A. M«m nger. As»UUat Clerk«: Jauies U. Boy.1, M. K. Keohokalole. Stephen Mahaulu, Ueorge C. Ro«» Edw»rd i Boyd. Bckcac or Aoriccltc«* »hd Fo»kxt»t. Presldent: Hl* ExccUenejr the Mlnl»ter o( Intertor. Wm. O Ir«rln, Allan Herberl Jobu En«, Jo*eph M*r>den. OommUaionei •nd SecrcUry. L'Hien or Bcr*acs, !nt>bioc rntr»*Tiir5T Surveyor-i.encr»l, W. D. Alex»naer. Supt. Publ e Work», W. E. Kowelu 8npt. W«tcr Worki, Andrew Brown. ln»pector, Electric LlehU, John C«aaidr. K«Fl»tr»r o( C >urev«nces, T. U. Tbrum. Ro«d Sut«rrUor. Iluiioluin. W. H. Oummlue* t’hlef Eiiiclnerr Flre Dept„ Jti II. Hunu Supl. Inuue A*ylum, Dr. A. McW«yne. DkPAKTMK!rT 0F Ft.1AMCK, Olllee. ExcetUiTe Buiidtng, Klne «treet. MlnUter of Fln«nce, HU KxceUency S- M Oamon. Anditor-Ueneral. Ueorge J. Row. Kegi*tr»ro( AeeeunU, W. G. A»bley. Clerk o( F1n«nee OUlee, E. A. Melnerny. CoIieetor (leneml o( ('u»U>m, J««. B. > «»ile. T«x A*aewnr. o«hu. Jona. So.w. Deputy T«x 4we*sor, W. C. Weeilon. Puetma«ter-Ueaer«l, J. Mort o»t. Cc»roMS Bcxx»c. Offlee, Cn«tom Houae. E»p!«n«dr. Fort *»reet Co,lertor-Uener«I. J««. B. C«atle. Depu«y-Co!.eelor F. H. McSloeker. Harhormaster, C'«putn A. Foiicr. Port Surreyor. M. i* S«n-ler*. 9torekeeper, Ueorge C. Str»:emeyer. ;0f P»rrMK.WT o» AtXOK.WXT Guiul Offlce ln Execatlxe Bal!dla*. Kine <treet> Attorney-GeneraI. W. o. 8miin Deputy Attt>rneT.'«?aer«i, U. K. Wllder (Terk, J. M. Kem Monhai. E. G. Hitcheoek. Cferk to Manhal, H. M. Dov. Depaty Manhal. Arthnr M. Brown. Jai!or Ortu Prt«on. J, A. Low. Priaon Phy*id«u, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Boau o» tm«m»noir. Prealdent, RU Rxeel!ener A. Kmg. Mcmber ot the Bo«M o( ImmunUon: Moo. J. B- Atherton. j»«. B. Cfettl«. Hon. A. 9. Cfegh>;rn, J«mc* «i, Apeaeew M*rk P liWnina. 3eet«t*py, Wrmy T«y!or. BO*«® OP BtilTX OAeein groaad«of Coart Bon*e BuUdln« mer o( Mllilani aod Qo«en «treeu. Dr. Dar. Dr.Mlaer, Dr. Andre<rt, J. T Jr„ John En». Theo. F. Laniin» - Oeneni Smllh. W. OAotith. Wikoi. >—C. R Reyno5d». ***JUB«t«r al Uutn«« Setrtce U lnsp«ctor-U. W. C. Jcmea. •*>*» Phyekl«n, Dr.u. B, Andrew*. DUpena«iT, Dr. H. W. How»rd. Lepwi 8etuetnedt, Dr. R. K. OUrer. Boab» o» EnrcATioM. Ooart Uooae BaUdiag, Khi( itr««< C.l |ArK A. T. AUlaaon DnrmcT,C4>5KT.' Baildlnc, Ma