Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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*’ ■JkT- ~ yDr. J. T. Hatzopulos : k V “ 3?rofessi.onallv Known a? GEOR6E. Will pve a Wonderf«I Exhibition of STRENGTH e<iaal aiul sariws3!.ig the ftatr- of S«ndow, at Hawaiian Opera House. -ON - - SATURDAY, - August 18 RESERVED SEATS AT LEVEVS. aul8 PURIFIED WATĒK. IS l'SEl) nv T!IK 0ONS«)HD.VTKI) SODA WATER WORKS OOMPAW- Limitecl. TIb.e3r FuLrr3.isDe. tire I T, o-a.rrta,ixis Tlrxo , u.g:iLO , ULt tlxe Cit^% EXCEPTINO ONE Puie as Cr3rstalTPe"ST IT. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Iraporters, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Pine Cig:aj:s, Srxxolrixxg' Tcloacoo, ANI> Sxxa.olrexs -A-xtioles. Agents for the Celebrated a. 33. i). pip3ī:s. MADE IS PARD*. auL r * Benson, Snxitli & Co., The Corner ** DRU6 ST0RE Pure Dru"s, Pine Perfumes, Prompt Attention, Low Prices CoiTier Fort & HoteI St5. aul REM0VA.L ftlQTICE. vr IML S. L,ST7TT, .« Will on ALGL5T let Remove frotn hia present atore on HoteI street, to tbe plae* former!j « eeui-ieU b y Benson, Soaith C*3., on Fori street. After I get settled it will be to your advi»ntage to note the prices, eie., that wili appear :n this eoluma.