Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
mn &EBDIE8. WILL cr»t '.ikwiHIw. Mwc—f m. t'atart. tu %lx 1 wama. tnu!< • 'om aaai fs<« fci Ot »wc ha. ■ H<v» »r« «n«rrt*iar<L tk»t f. «III t«r» Tt»v »r» Tr:«laMr Kf»<lt« u4 f« b* iwl fc*"r U»» »n»ī īīK twv?i»»ī eUU lTff» «1tMa (V rg»cb ef alL «oM Sn. C. (.allana). IH KIW MWl, W»j BVVk. »wi(T H»rs»oor Ba!i, wnna!» Removal ! Hustace & Qo, HAVF. MOVED TO —- Morgan's - Auction - Rooms for a #hort timo. We ar»«till *rChi£ Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALCrERObA and KINOLINO WOOD io my qDantitT. Botb Tel»phoo« 414 »nS LOViJoy &co. Wiqe \ Liquor ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall yt*ur attention to Our Spccial Brands Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksbura Beer au‘J in casks or bottles Kli — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANU Srs. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkercbiefs, Window Curtains, Straw Hats, Fans, LTnterns, Baskets. all SArts; Dishes, Tea and Breakfast Sets, Trays, Flower Pot«, Silk Bedquilts, Bamboo Screens, Neck-ties, Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japauese Toys, Japanese Provisions by the whoieScilc jy*28 MURATA & C0. City^Meai Oppo. Qnec-n Emma Hall, Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, FM* IL T Maher of the Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Theji. Meat Delivered to Ajiv Part of the City and Suburbs. Mutaal Telephone Nnmber 289. £W* If Yovr Hor.«e or Doc. is sick send them at onee to 205 King Street. The only Veterinary Infirmary in tbe Repnblic fully equippetl with moderu appliarces and skillfnll attendants. angl-lm POUND MASTER*S NOTICE. Xotuw ū hereb_v civen to mll peraoo« th*t there mte »t th» (r>.»nun»Et Ponnil u fclri, t«o *trsv*i d*rk bro«a borae&. One of thf«e tare !ong «hita spot on tte for - he«d. 3 whiie !egs. sore »t'tbe right hi*.J ieg tnd brsad indt>crib»fei« oa ihe >»me The olher h»ve beea brand«d in4iscrib»b:. on tberight hia-i kg, wn u tfae right fo eAQ peroons ovoiog tb«ae honw atc req«est*d w> eem? «nd uk» the some on >r brfore 13 o'eioek noon, 8ATCSDAV. AUO. 23, 185M. JAMES KUKONA. Makiki, Aag. 14 1 »L ng 13-Ivdlj