Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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LA0IE8’ OOLUMK. ' ► Tbts sotaething for nothing articie, *e bad in bst week bas demonstrated tbree tbiogs, FlRSr, that a pood many people want sometbing for notbing and SECOND, the vast diiference tbere is in tbe ideas of values—the guesses made. ranged from §150 to ?2.000, while the nearest goesstr M.iss Lena Brans, who wins tbe Dress Pi*ttern, was $300 under the valne of tbegoods; acd tbe second bcst guesser Mrs. Hariy Lewis was $310 o*er the value, wianing tbe second prize. THIRD. that tbe real jadges of valaes snap up bargains, when a real bargains is offered. 1682 people entered oor store last week, of whieh 1563 made pur~ chases. becaas* ; they foand wbat they •wonted at satisfactory prices. X Thisweek. Embroideries, Laces, Fedora real Torchon Valencicnnes, Black Spangled and Beaded Lices in lutest noveltios will go; also, we want to eall yonr special attention to LAD1ES EIBBED VESTS in COTrON at 10 ceuts, 12i cents, 15 cents and { 25 cents; tbese have only to be looked at to cause yon to buy tbem. Fine pnre white and £gyptian Lisle at 75 cents. All wool Ribbed Vests in white and n.tural colors. Silk Ribbed Vests. and Merino Ribbed Vesls. Tbese goods we carry in low neek uo slecves; bigh neek, J sleeves, they are beaatifnl and new goods. I The Auslralia bas bronght us uo eud of uew tbings, tbat we will meulion uext week. B. F. EHLERS. W ANTED. Tbree bright Hawaiian Girls to sell tbe famons VIAVI REMEDY. Apply at the office of tbe Viavi Remedy on King Street. . aug6 F0R SALE - RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Organ and Sewing Maehine inuuire of H. F. B( KGI>S. Beretania Street. Empii’e Saloon, JAM£S OLD3, Propktetor: pine V/ines, Liquors. Beer ALWA3 OX HAND, Coraer Nuuanu and Hotel Streets. Bell īelephone 241. Post Office Boz 107, Ho Yen I^ee Tinsmiths and Dea/ers Crockery, GUssware, $c. \VATEK PIPE3 LAiD AND PLUMBING NEATLY EXECUTED No tl N uoauu $t, between King »od Hot«l Asea RuilO:cg jvS Wiif ekaa, NO. 330 NUUANU STREET, HONOLULU l^CeraTa.sm,t Ta,ilox A 6ne ssaortm€nt of American. Engiish and Scotch Cloths on hand gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed Clothesessc!dn £ repaired jy71m ADMtNI8TRATI0N'S N0TICE. THE UNDER3IGNED U»Tlog beea duiv appointed Adnjlci»tr»tril ol tbe wtit( of H. K Kuibi ( (k), t»U- of HaiaaU. KoKaia. Ll*ud o{ Uaw«i<. <ke«»MtL Notiee b nertbr giren to «11 cr*ditor5 of Uk deceaaea tu p-«ā«n( tfeeir einima wbrtbrr ■eeem) bj M-irtjp»jtc or otherwiae d*ly «aU>endicsted «sd witb Use proper Tcscbere. if anr to tbe udm%i»d wuk«n su mon!bi from Uie d»te bereo( or Uxr wiil be forever borred, «ad «U penoea i&debted lo tbe nM dreeaeed *re reque»t to nuke Immediste pameai «t tbe OIBee ot 3. K. Ki si. Corner o( KitgttdBetM StreeU. u p$Uin MRA NAOMl KAAIHUE, Admlnl*tr*ttix of tto Eit«te of H. K. $Uaisc*. deeawd. Hoaoioio, A*g«s U BSK 9v.