Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Woven Wire Mattresses Novr, for the firs?t time manufactured right here in Honolulu. By the only man out«ide of the United j Kingdom. who uses WIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having secured ezclusive rights to use the same. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSis a hickneyed phrase. But if you want to bniid np 3 Nation, industries must be fostered. Keep your money in your own islauds, and ; buy a Non-Corrosive Soiid Comfort Spring Bed, made in Honolulu, whieh will not SAG or RUST, or. A Perfection Cot, CU)d*» Crib, V, ranJ»li Ch»ir, I.ouuge, Three-Quartcre SlncU- and Fall s*ue, Folding Wire BcJs. ARTICLES suitable to yoar | elimal'e; PRlCEo snitable to the times, as vou find them, For the 1 Iest BED in the Market, I recommend the HARTFORD WEAVE SPRING BED, Trtble 1 Wire all tbrough, WOVEN as fine as ololh. Solid i 4 ineh. M iple framrs, Malieahle ; Ca9tings, Warranted in every par- i ; ticular. Never yet failed to give | ■ satisfaction. I offer these g vHla to the puhlie witb confidence, having made tbem for yeaps. You ean now get your j ! very Large KOA BKDS, fined with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any size made to order. §0- Buy the BCD of the , FUTCBS, of Meesrs. T. H. Davies I A Co. Lt’d.. Hopp *fe Co., Wiiiiams j . Bros., I. X. L, 6rdway «fe J*orter, | * or of tbe Maker \W0VEN WIRE BAILEY.\ H >tel Street, Hooolulu, (nezl I dcor to.Horn’s Sleam Bakery.) •ug 14-Im 1