Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Colon. (Colcmkia). Aog. 1. ; TLe Briti.-b warsbip Mohawk, &ii gnns. a twinscrews crosser of tbe tbird class, commanded by Capt«in Les!ie C. Stnait, bas IanJed a force of sailors and marine« at CJoefields New York, Ang. 1. Tbe Herald’s Valparaiso special says: Letters received from Rio Janeiro sav the restrictions tbere are worse now tban during tbe revolntion. Pa»sanger travel is not allowed by land. while departure bv sbip calls for tbe ntmost scrntinv on tbe part of the antborities. Wasbington, Ang. 1. The President today approved tbe application for tle rctireraent of 1 Adtniral Stantou, to take etfect July .”0tb. Tbis results in tbe promoticu of Commodorc Erben, . now couiraiinuing tbe £uropean stutiou, to bo Rear Admiral, aud { the of Comrao«ore ‘ n ! Ricbaid Mtad to con>raaud tbe • Norlb Atlantic statiou, vacated by Admiral Stanton’s retireraent. Lyous, Ang. 3 —At the eouc!usion of the trial of Caserio, 1 tbe mnrderer of PresideutCarnot, | iu the 3ssiza Court hero today, tbe prisoner was seuteuced to be 1 executed by the gnillotine. A protest to Congross will soon 1 be entored frora the Oklahoina and Indian Torritories agaiust ] Iiulian dances. Those dauces, it' > is elaimed, have becorae sovulgar j tb t sorae. of tbe inore raodest wbite peoople aud tho best In- 1 dians believe tbut tho Nalional ! Government should interfero. Tbe Americau i'acbt Tolna, witb conut and conntess Festetics on board, arrived bere on tbe 4tb inst., and will remaiu for two - raontbs. i j ■ ■i— ■ » |