Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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- Hnin, rajn, Min I Oo!y two toorĪHts īoan and wife, ’ travulied ro!c mo - var<U by Ihe Kinnn yt'slerday. — TLe Coancils ure getting ready , 'or .tn»4ber ,, fea»t of reason” on toraorrow afteruoon. Thc Hobron Drng Co. £Ltd] sncceed Hobron Neuenaun A Co. in bosiness name. A windy treat, of raosic by the band, was giren eroployeesin tbe l'alaee yesterday morning. The Manncrcbor Society meet tbis evening, for practice, iu tbe patlors cf tbe Pacific Hotel. Nuuana street, between School street and tho £agie House, mocbly needs re-macadami7.ing. Taro-patcbos are drying up, in raany plaeea aboat town. where nataral irrigatiou is depended upon. Tbere were but few spectators, ontside of Portugeeso, present at tbu battalion regimeatal drill last evening. Depaty Sberitf W. A. Hardy, 1 of Hilo, accompanied by his wife, returned home ydsterduy by tbe steamer Kinau. Captaiu Oriffitbs of tbe bark Albert bopes to be enablod to siil for Sm Fiancisco at tbe end of tbe prcsent week. Higb way robbors and footpads are now bunting tbe vicinity of tbe Pali. A ehiuaman reports being beld up iast nigbt and robbod of $5. No arrests. Tbo “Greek Hercules” Dr. J. T. Hat7.opnlo.s will exbibit feats of streugtb at tbe Opera House oa Saturday next. Tickets for salo nt Levey’s. Exauinatiou aud regi stration i of votors bas been stoppod for tbe present in town. Tho “Doc tor” and his nssistants are ou an inspecting tour of the onter! districts. Assessraents are said tobe now ! lovied on loeil Japmese for the purpoae of carrying the war ‘into ■ Cbina." On tbe otbor band the Cbinese bave t«ken time by tbe forelock aml sequestrated a number of tbe Jnpanese gentler sex. Tbe stearaer Jaraes Makee wbicb was reported to bave grouuded at n port in Kanai arrived in port bere lnst evening. Sbe will go ou the Murine rail- ! way for repair. The OdJ fellows reception to | Gorliara D. Oilnian, tbe Hawai- ! ian Cousul at Bostou Mass , j givou iu Excelsior ball in tbis | city, last evening was well at- 1 tended. The followiug naraes bnve bten added to tbe Anstralia list of ontgoiug passengers, viz: Mrs. [LieafJ Werlioh and ebild, Cbas. Colburn aml daugbter, Hon. R. R. Hind wife and daugbter and G. A. Martin. Mrs. M. M. Tbirdsa noted leei turer on Tbeosopby arrived by tbe steamer Anstralia and will assist in teacbing the tboosophieal idoas to all wbo may desire to becorao loarners tbereof. The lady will meet loeal Theosopbists tbis eveuing. iu Theosopby Hall, Foster’s liloek, corner Marine and Nuuano streets. II is reported that Capt. W. B. Godfrey, of tbe Iuter-Island S. S. Co.. wbo goes forward with his faraily to San Fraucisco on next Saturday, by the steamer Aastralia will briug down the new steamer now buiiding and whieh is intendf|l to replace the lost steamer C. R. Bisbop. v Tbe obnoxioas vines still over- | bang the wall of Bishop’s resid- j eneo on Emma street. Mioister I King roay lose an eyo yet from tbe obstructiou. It is rej>orted tbat yonng Artbur Fiisimtnons, a youth kuown to tbe puhlie, was sbot at last erening by a mounted poliee pfficer, witbout eaaae, baited and saarchei. Au invest:gatiou is in pro«reas. , - : ’- k 'W' 'l ■ ‘ •- ,'*• • ;