Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 ʻAukake 1894 — BAND CONCERT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The band will give an open air conc.?rt this evening «t Thomas Sqoare commenciug at 7.30 o’eloek. Among the numbers ou the programme arc the three lale con|>ositions, “Paradi»e of the Pacifio waltz; “Nuuanu Talley.” j>o!ka. and the schottisohe “Pretty Womeu of Honolulu.'’ Followiug is the entiro programme: Pakt i. 1. M«rrb—"Uiuhiiuu IWoh' Soas* 2. C>Trrture — “ !» ”, lli nuin S. •*Bcli»»no” I\>uiieUi 4. *’&iuun” V«rdi PAKT II. 5. W«Uer— Ye Oldcn Tua«' Berg?r 6. \V*lU—“īhe Panulwe ol lh< l’aeilu- : 7. Polk»—“Kuuann V»ller"’ ..Bcrger ». S» hotu«che—“Prc«y Women of Houo’.olu'" is«*ger “H*rau Ponoi.”