Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — BAND CONCERT. [ARTICLE]
The band will give an open air conc.?rt this evening «t Thomas Sqoare commenciug at 7.30 o’eloek. Among the numbers ou the programme arc the three lale con|>ositions, “Paradi»e of the Pacifio waltz; “Nuuanu Talley.” j>o!ka. and the schottisohe “Pretty Womeu of Honolulu.'’ Followiug is the entiro programme: Pakt i. 1. M«rrb—"Uiuhiiuu IWoh' Soas* 2. C>Trrture — “ !» ”, lli nuin S. •*Bcli»»no” I\>uiieUi 4. *’&iuun” V«rdi PAKT II. 5. W«Uer— Ye Oldcn Tua«' Berg?r 6. \V*lU—“īhe Panulwe ol lh< l’aeilu- : 7. Polk»—“Kuuann V»ller"’ ..Bcrger ». S» hotu«che—“Prc«y Women of Houo’.olu'" is«*ger “H*rau Ponoi.”