Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — THE “WILDER" ARRIVES! [ARTICLE]

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( A Tourist Wlth a Romance. Tlie bktneS O. Wilder arrived iu port tliis moruing frotn S;tu Frrtucisco. Sho brings a full i c«rgo of genoral inerchandise aud soveral passengers; «mongst tho l»ttcr « Mr. Horbert Bygrave who lms oonsiderab!e rom«nce connocted «ith his young lifo, and «hieh m«y bo tersely smumed uj> iu “disappoiuted hopee'' niul a ‘Toving hfe tilled with advouture.” Bygrave hus two unelea iu the l’aHiameuh oue of them beiug Sir Beadol, senior ( member from Essex. Bishop Beadel of Brighton is nlso an un - elo of his, and his grand-uncle ' Sir Calle\- Scotland, is one of the Chief Justices in ludia. liis brother-in-law, James Slrachau, is one of the largest toa pUnters iu Ceylon. Mr. Bygrave kills a roniantic trip to Japau by statiug that he may seftle here or returu again by »ail to San Fraucisco.