Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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290 Ring Up 290 TJnited Carriage Company, M. REIS 4 J.C. QUINN F08 8iLE. A nSV •• MIDMOHT " 9TALLI0S «oh beL)Oging to P. D. twnb«TK. «»{t cute mu *t tb« FaNTHFa>S STABLE fr»m to-morww tf. CORNtK OF Nuuonu and B«reUnia8lrt«t». ō6l 561 G00D, RKLIABLE asd jy‘17 lf C1VIL DRIVERS. Capt. Wm. Davies, Rig>?er, Stevedort* and Wi'eeken. DSTIMATE8 AN*D CONTRAi TS ON all kinds of work. Steamer Waimanalo will ruu regular to Waianae, Waialua aml Way Laiuling. Io<]nire »t ofBce of J. S. WiLKia 0T»>r Spreckel’e B«nk. (eb l4*tf. Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAIIAN U0TKL BARBKR lMdies Shampwinfj a specialty. Honolulu . aug4. Chas. T, Gulick N0TARY PUBLIC For the Islaml o! Onhu. Agent to Take Acknowletlgment8 to Labor Coctract8. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen* ses, Honolulu, Oahu. Ageut for the Haw'n IsUml.s of Pnr A Freight aml Parcels Exprcss. Agent for tbe Barlington Konte Real Estale Broter aedGeaeral io-al līell Tel. M8; Mol. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street Hnnolula H 1. Merv*l. T*L. j6& P. o. BoX 15». WING WO TAI & C0., No. is Ncv* w Stkk*t, llomi'U'. H. 1., €ommission Merchants, —Importzk* a*d Dkalou nr—6eneral Merchandise. Flne MiniU Ctear». Cliinc*e arui J«psne«e Crookerywsre, Va««« ot »11 kiniU. C»inpborwood Trunk«, R»tta& Chair«. A Finc .\Mortment of Drr»<. Stlk», Cboi<-e»t Brand« ot ( hinoae an>l J»j<anc«o Te*a of I>t< »l lmportet!ona i)/.V« t}oo.l*rf*p'-ftfuUy •oUcitfd. jnly«. CITYiCARRIAGE C0. Corner K1NG and BETHEL St. c^vjmrAaEs, AT ALL H0URS. Both Teiephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Manager. june 15-tf. Long Branch -8ATH)NGEstablishment. This First-Claas Biti»iag Regort haa been «nl <rged and is now open to the puhlie. It is ihe best plaee on the islami? to enjoy a B.ttb, aod tbere ia uo belter olaee to Iay oflf. Special accommodatioD8 for Ladie*. Tramcars paa» the door erery half h<>ur, aud on Saturdaya aad Sundays every &fteea miuutee. C. J. SH£RWOOD, jy24 Fropri«lor.