Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables Company, F. ManageP Livery and Feed FORT STREET, betwet*n Hotel an*l Berrtania Street3, Honolalu. B«>th Teiephoues ... jy23 lm ■4« i i PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory, Et lH i;ilY and lee Cream Parlors! OP m in 1863 III 1894 IW PRACTĪCAL CON FEC TXO N KH and ORNAMENTER 7« all hraufhf* of th' hti*iuft* ou lhfte i*la>iil*. Amenean, Eiurlish, C(Tnian aad Fr»nrh PASTRIF.S Madc to Ord«r. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Madc ol th« V«ry Bcst Matcriai and at Rcasonable Ratca. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahray» on Hauil. ALL (O.IFECTIOIERl Manabotured at My Eatal>Uelimcnt Are Guarantccd to be PoslUrely Pare and Sold at Prlcc« no other ealahlOhmeni ean eompele wlth. FACTORY AND STORE, No. 71 Hotel 8treet, Honoinlu. BolU īelephonea No. 74. jyA5 PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AND HOTEL 8TS. Heaipartere Enterpnse Brewimr o. THE Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here, no?r on Draught J. DODD, Prop’r NOTICE TO Won, Pienie Parties, Laaaa —AMV—GENERAL PUBLIC l K3 At Sjoth’s Bc» axd Liveby j Stable, Kmq Stbekt, [Ai)jotni&g Melmpolilan Ueat Market.] t» the Cbeapest P$*« jn Tovo yoo . , W Baggi« and Honw. It tīQ p«y yn& to eaU aad «ee yoa try «iaawhna. Motaal TeIephone 408 aagt-tf Ploneer 8hirt Factory ESTABU8H£0 1887. A. 1C MELL18. Proprietor, ® Fort 8t_, (Cpetai.ni' Good FK J. H. TRU3CHLER, Boot A Shoemaker. lll Fvrt iitrwL Bepauriog. neaUy Dooe, half heel wili» pegs. 11.00. n7 aole and heel sewiāg, $1.50. 1