Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 189, 15 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
OITY DRAYAGE CO . St»iKi: Que«n »nd Furl Strv«L«w Whīte and B!ack S»nd. DraT<Dg IX>ne ai Re#9-msb!f Rat«, W. r. $niSBET7. I I MACHINE MADE POI! FAGTOBY, : : KAUHI. Tar» Ptants, Fresh Tof j ar.d Raw | Taro at all t;:ues. Eing tfp MatoaI Te’epbone 577. j Bell 345. W, L. W1LC0X, jy25 . Manager. RI>« l V Ml*Tr.\L IKLE. JIi. NIEP£R’S Baggage Expres». \ (.MHe*. 2» Fort St„ H aolalo. II I. Baggjge and F-.;r!iiture C’jrefullT > Hand!ei! and DeI5vered at Shor» Xot;ce to All Parts of Ihe C:ty | Stand oa C *r. f>f Ftrt ».t Q>.!een Sts. irs i T. B. Murray| - Is Yet to br Founil On the Old Hlanii, \o. 4-1 ; King N(.~īlia Bu«ine»R un i CARRIAGE jrn (ioes On. When the “PE()PLES’ P ARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to REPAIR, PAINT AND TRIM IT At a Reasonable Figure. — No Extra Charge for Fnrnishing tircm-T»ith Onmmon Seu.se. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TKLEPHONE 572. jj"2l 6m * City - Carriage Mf’Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BE|ilT, M^ua^ Blacksmith Work ASD Carrlage Repairing PAINTING : AND : TRIMMING In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Pfices. Matual Telephone 382 00* Give ue a Call and judge for yourseif. jy23 CR1TER 10 NSA LOON, WcilaiMl.Ejitra.Pale LiagBr Beer 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. D££, Prop'r Tfje MWU Do H)0VE AXD 90 DOES - ffieas«ag8i - gmlcc who havo mouuted tbeir ou Columbia - Bicycle« wil) de)iv«r Packages (op ' lh». wdght) and ll«M«ges than by any otber metbod toot L*t be a Clao>.” Sare tim ’ by oaing the Messenger T*t: Bdi 559 -s&Wv..--T ’