Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club §tables Company, F. (ji , aham, ManagEi* 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REtS i J.C. QUINN F08 SiLE. \ FISF *• M!DNli«HT ” ST.\LUON polt to P. D. Lenb«rg. Th* rolt ni tw «r«B *t th« PaXTHEOS STABL£ fn..m kmhniow. Livery and Feed ‘peunnw ; mi. pw> Stables FOKT STREET, between Hotel aml Bert-t.mi;i Streets, Honolulo. C0KNER OF Nuuahu and Deret.inia Stm*t5. ! .*>6I /—Both Tu.EPt»N£a:-> 561 GOOD, RELIABLE a.xd jv27 tf C1VIL DRIVEHS. Both Telepbonea jj*23 lai 4« * Capt. Wm. Davies. IligLcer, Stevedore and W recker. PIONEEH Stsam CANDY Factory. ESTIMATES AND 00KTBACT8 ON ALL KINDS 0F WOHK. Kilī l.lll au«l lee Oeam Parlors! Steamer Waimanalo will run regular to Waianae, Waialua and Way I<anding. lnqniro at offiee o( J. 8. Walke» jv«r 8x>rpckel'» Hank. M. U-tf. HOR m 1863 l(/ Ml 1894 IW PRACTIC.VL CON FEC Tl< )NĒR and ORNAMENTER JUST ARRIVED M 55 q BABY ■ CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLE8, In all branche* oJ the bu»iue*s on Iheee iilande. Amenean. Englisb, (īennan and Frcncli PAJjTR1E8 Made to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Madc ot the Verv B<-at Material »nd at Rcasonablu Hates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahray* on IIaud. AM. < ».mt:ctio.\f.ky Manufactured at My Estal>IUhmcnt Arc Gnaranteed to be PosiUrclv Pnre and Sold at Pneea no other •■«tahlWhment ean eompeie with. IN THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD FACTORT AND STORE, SEWING MACHINES No. 7! Hotel Stre«t, llunololu. Both Telephones No. 74. jy36 H.1N1) SE\ViNG ilACHlNiS, :htah With the Latest ImproTemeat''^jrj PANIHEON SALOON, PAIILOK FORT AND HOTEL STS. Headparters Enterprise BrewiDf Co. Ors:ans, Guitare THE Largpst Consigument of Beer that ever arnved here, on Draught Aod Other Mnaieal Instrnmcnt<. \Vines, Liquors, Becr ALW.\T8 on oand. and FOR 8ALE BY Jj!« J. DODD, Prop’r ADHIXISTR.iTOR'S 2f OTlCE. THE UNDERSIGNED having been dnlv appointed Admiuiatrator ot tho Estato of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae. Hana, Maai, deoeaaed, vrould herevith gire nolioe to all penona haring aoconnto ugainst the «aid estate to present them to him, properly awom to, vithiu six montha from date bereof, or they will be forever barred. And aU penooa owmg th« aaid estate are reqnested to settle forthwith. M. H. BEUTEH, Administra?or oi the EoUle of Pahin Kaloi deoeaaed. Haaa. Mani, Jnly 7th, 1S94. jy9-im ED. flOFTSCHUEGEE & C0. King St.. oppo. Cnstle k Cooke’», THE COMMERCiAL 5ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuaou & Beretaoia sts. Hoooinlo. H. I. Pioneer Shirt Factory | The Only Sportmg Hooso in * Town ESTABLISUED ISS7. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 318 Fort St.. 'Up»taira Hooolnln, Good Flt. J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & Hhoemakei’, 111 Fi>ri Sirtei. Repairing, neatlv Done, balf aole and heel witfa pegs, 11.00. Half so!e and beel sewing, $1.50. an7 Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 9S NUUANU 8TREET Town. O. 1*. S. a Sp>ecialitv. L0HESGRIX LAGER |BEER, Always on DranghL 2 GLAS3ES FOR 25 CENTS. BeH of Wines, Liquors, and Cigar3, ALWAYS ON HAND. iultf Dede» io Ladies’ AGe its’ B>ots and Shoes rn*de lo ord« r. POBax»7 Jy» Gust. A. Mauer, HAWAllAH H0TEL BAHBKR Ladies Shampoaing a speciaity. Honolulu. v aag4. M