Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.

Jaly 24 !S94. In ‘ : Puddenhead Wilson's 1 hilosopby' Mark Tw tin s»y.s: “Put all of your eggs in one basket — and watcb that basset ” Kggs are not the ouly thiags lo whieh this applies, we ean make it fit stoves and cbange cggs into do'lars and make it read—lnvest yonr eoin in a Pansy Stove—and I the stove will watch itself We I have been watching these stovcs for the p.\st five years, aiul find thoui the bcst iron stove so!d m j this market for tbe raoney, j Where else than at onr store ean i yon get a stove tbat will do overvtl.ing that a >50 stove will doand jg< t it for $15? Eeho auswers, ; ‘the plaee isn’t built.’ We have sold hundreds of the$e stoves in . Houolnlu, and never had a eom- . plaint. Two weeks ago, we sold ; ono to a gentleman on Hawaii, | i and yesterday he ordered another for a friend. The stove sells itself through its fuel saving : j qualities, aud because, it is a good baker. Yo;i ean get other styles of stoves if you are uot pariicular as to the quantity of fuel yOu burn or how yonr food is cooked. There’s no dys - pepsia iu raea!s prepared on a PANSY. We roceived last week a lot of wire clothes-lines that hokl \vashed clothes withont using pins. It is a sort of doubie \vire arrangement and the pieces are held in between; the harder the wind blo\vs the tighter the pieces are held to the liue. There is absolutely no danger of the clothing being torn as there is notbing sbarp about the line. While tbe cost is a tritle greater than rope, this uew style will last so mueh Ionger tbat it is eeonomieal to bny tbe pinless line. The CLAUSS is oue of the new fangled siw-edge knivesthat cuts warra bread witbout leaving it heavy and iced eake withont making crnmbs There are two or three d tferent m .kes of these knives, all on the sarae principle aud eaeh one prononnced the best on earth by the manufacturers. We selected the CIauss, whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better than its neighbors. You never had anything in your life that give as mueh satisfaction for a dol!ar. If you were buying the other sort you \vonld get only one. The favorite sewing maehine in any commnnity is tbe one that does the most for the le?*st money and whieh runs the easiest. In the “Wertheim” you have a j maehine that sews three distinct ! stitches—The Loek, Ohain and Embroidery and runs easier than any other maehine, and you pay twenty doliars less for it. Eeonomy stands boldly overy side when you buy a Wertheim. In tucking tke ehain stitcb is prcferable, but in other kinds of work. the loek stitch is the best. lf you bny a maehine tbat sews tbe loek, unless it is a Wertheim, it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particnlar saving in bnying a maehine witb but one stitch. ihe Wertbeim does tbree and saves you !ots of tronbie and work.

i We've jnst unpacked six casks of stand lampstbat were boilt for bard times. They faave metal bases and are decorated so as to make a very ueat appeannee in a room. Wedon’t think you ean get as good a iamp anywhere elae for tbe money, tiy as hard asyon pleaee. Oor aioek of table cotlery, spoons &nd forks is as large as you wiil find in any store in San | Frsncisco, aad our prices compare | favorably wiih those in New York. Tte Hartnre w 307 Fort StTMt