Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 ʻAukake 1894 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Lyons. Aug. 3. C»-y»no Sunto tbe sliv>r of Presitlent Carnot w«s f and guiltr tod.iv of marder »nd cocdemaed to deatb. Val!ejo, Aag. 3. The crew of tije l. S. S. CbarlestoD bave vired a ccmplaint to Secretary j Herbert agaiost Lieat4Daat-Com- 2 I mander Keedcr. Captain Coffin aIlowed the men tboir libertv. I wbich wsg granted them by Lieotenant Reeder :□ tbe absence of Captam Coffin. but the men were not allowed to Jr<iv anv money althonph a year's pay is dae nearly to tach nean. Henee | the eomplaini. Cowes, Acg. 3. The great race between the Vigilant and Kritanuia takes plaee todiy. New York. Ang. 3. Corbett claims that Jack«on is only muking a b!atf. Masbington, Ang. 2 The 1 Sugar lnvestigation Committee bas prebeuted :<s report. Members of the senate and officers of | tLe trnst wero exocerated from | the ehurge of wrcng doing. S«n Franciscō, Aog. 3. The 8npervisors’ Hospital Committee has purchased tue buildings of t!ie H.iwaii tn vili>ige as weil as t!ie circnlar structure in wuieh t!ie volcauo was shown. The material will be used to constrnct I an assembly hali at the Almhouse. | The price agreed upon is ?*2ōO. Sau Franeisoo, Ang. 3. Gov- i eruor Markha u lias censnred ! Genera! DimomI for his conduct! duriug the late strike in tho follo\ving wonls: “1 gave Gcneral Diraond, who \vas on the ground, alraost unlimited power, believiug he \von!d exerci.se Lis jndgment in a conscii ntous man- ! ner. His first efi‘ort was. from a militaiy standpoint, a failure, and hascastodium npon tbe rank and file of tbe guard, uot ouly in this State, bnt throughout the i whole country. The troops have been ridiculed and the railitary ; power of tbe State disgraced and as General Dimond is the only officer of the guard to whom 1 bave issued orders except in cases of emergeucy, of whieh be bas beeu promptly advised, primarily he is tbe oue tbat mnst explain to mo his excuse.” Chicago, Aug 1. The boycott ou the Pullman is withdrawn. Debs espress himself as fuI!o\vs iu regard to strikes: “I will uever agaiu be connected with any stnke organization,” said President Debs today. “This ' strike has developed tbe fact tbat the sentiment of Uie people of the couutry is against strikes and i the goveinmeut stands roady to , put down such movemcnts at the point of the bayouet. I sball Lere after advise all workingn:en j to seek redress by tbe bi!lot.” New York, Aug. 4 A Herald dispatch froai Valparaiso says: A correspondent in Lima, Pem, ; sends word tbat reports of « leli- | able natare iudicate a popular i feeliug ag.tinst the goverument. ; Though all is quiet in Iquiquo the strike is stiil in C iliao, an 1 for the last fourdays ves3el3 hav> beeu uuabie to lo.id or discharge i cargoes in that port and the gov- | erninent seems unable to end the j I strike. Wasbington, Ang. 3. The war ; departicent bas placed itself, | firmly against the imposition of j any extra work on privates of the . regnlar army on tbe Sabbath and | | will insist that in tbo fuiure all | extra dress parades, reviews aud j the like, whieh were customary some years ago, must not be to!e- j rated. Target practice also in j the army on Sunday, no matter | wh«t the exigency, is to be pro- j, hibited. and any officer who , , orders a soldier to tako his rifie and practice on the Sabbath will be snbject to conrt-martiaI and | possibie dismissal.

Topeka. Aag. 3. Au opeu declaratioa of war aguinst the Americao Bailway Uoion was uiade today by the Pallman Palaee Car Coznpany wfaen the * offieial annoaneemeni went forth t that nnder no circamstaaces i wonld the company give emptoy- : ment to labor agitatora or any t otbers who had taken act»ve part ; in persoading the workingmen to • strike. London. AogosL 3. A dkpaich > to the Tiaae* from lqaiqoe, Chile i says: The nitiate fields prom : ae a targe iaeienaa in outpnt for 1895.