Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — ANGLOPHOBIA. [ARTICLE]
Their J-aat £truw. Wbci»ever the sup}<ottets of the government bere feel tbat the sympatby m tbe UniteJ Stvtes is going »gainst tbem, tbey resort to the never fa*iing remedy of twisting ihe Britisb lioc’s tail whieh act how cowardly it may be done, is always fo!lowed bv a tricmphant screem of the jingoeagle. The Honoluln eorrespondent to tbe Chronide bas taken bis refuge to the said remedy and used it in a r<tber large «lose. The follow;ng editorial from the Sttn Francitco Chronicle is based i*<>i; th« hitest corre8pondenee fr.ui Honolulu: “The H-.waiian Koyalists stil! clutcb »t >tr.«ws and «lream of tlie iestoration of tbe tnonarcby, wiiieh is us d«-ad as Julins Caesar. Two !;irg<* meetings of Roy«lists were hehl recently at Honolnlu, and tiie pecn|iar featare «<f eaeh w«s the j.resence of ollicers of h Dritish guuboat. Tbat England wonld like to seo tbe ex-Queen restored is cert,«iu hut tlius far 6ritish represontatives h’«ve not o}>enlv atten«leil meetiiigs of tlie n ili\e conspirators. lt w«>u!d be well for the Drit:sh Government t<> investigate the ac!-s of theso Naval ofiicers who, uucler its uniform. leuJ aid auJ corafort to Hawaiian plotters ” Thc t\vo l *rge royalist :ueetings whieh ‘iately” bave been held, uccording to tbe Chrunicle, are rather aneieol historv but thut Dritisb officers wore preseut iu j any < Aieial or seoii-official caj>ncity is simj>ly a lie. An Amerieau AJmiral witb st<«tr was preseut on both occasious. In fact tbe last raeeting \vas called in the Jay time to euahle AJmiral j Walker to see who were there _ and how mauy. The Dritish officers have kept extreiuely uentral and Jecidedly ; avoided all iuterference or even l , expression oi opimons smce j their arrival. Can tbe same i be said in regard to tbe American officei*s? Have we not time and l time again noticed the disgrace- ; ful sight of sturap apeaking ward-politicians drcssed iu tbe uniform of the UniteJ States uavy,addressingpnblicas.-emblies aml openly criticizing theirCoiu-manJer-in-Chief, the President of the United States. And when- | I ever tlien JiJ the Ohi'oniele cor | rospomlent denoance snch uu- ; JignifieJ acLs or eail f«>r au in- i vestigation by the naval Jepart- ; iuent. Wasu’t tliere a fellow named Cochrane who a short while «go bad Uie uup«ralleled impndence to address a jrablic assembly, and say wonls to the etfect, that a!though he was not aothorized (sicl) to epeak on bebalf of the Presiilent of the CniteJ States, be yet felt eonfideut that the president bas seen ; his error in Im Hawaiian j>olitics ! anJ wouhl act Jifferently in the | future.” And in spite of sueh a 1 gross breach of etiquette, disci- 1 pline and eommon decency the Chronicle correspondent, who it is eaid editsthe Siar, haJ nothing to say, except praisiug tlio ‘lofty ; sentiments of the brave Captain of marines. Now, that man would have been coort martialed auJ cashiered iu sbort order in any : navy in the world where thero is discipline and a proj>er spirit. In. tne American navy, it seeras tbat ; those qualitics are not to be ■ fuand. As far as the British officers are | concerned they have never mixed 1 in politics here or , ‘lent comfort, 'to Uawaiiau plotters.” They haveattended strictly to tbeir own basiness, a job whieh with advantage coald be imitated by the Chronide- Star man. And tben he shonld nse Long LifeWhiskey as a sure remedy for acate anglophobia.