Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — THEY ARE SAFE. [ARTICLE]

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8 There has been uudoubteJly soiue npprehension in goveruraent circles in Jaj)au and China as to to tha attitude of Hawaii during the war between the t\vo beliigerent po\vers. All Hnxiety is now set at rest, anJ a feeling of : relief lias spread all over Asia i sinco the appeanmee of the | “prōclaraation” of tbe law firm of Dole anJ Hatch apjieared this moruing. The g«xls be praise*I ! Hawaii will not rush headlong iuto the strife for supremacy in Corea. and there is inueh joy in , lsrael by reading the follo\ving i words of peaee from tlie pen of i our Hatch: Official information huving . been received by this Oovernment that a state of war exists between the Empires of Jaj>au and Chiua, noliee is bereby giveu to all subjects of said Empires, and to all other persons res«litig witbin this Kepuhlio, that they «re prohibite«ī from engagiug either directly or indirectly in privateering against the shipj)ing of eommeiee of either of said belligereuts or other\vise ieiulering aia or taking part in said e uflict and tLat the strict neutrality of the Bepubl : c of Hawaii must bo respected. The protection auJ hospitality of the j>orts of Hawaii shall be equally extended to the belliger- : ents so Iong as tbey respect tho ; neutrality of this Republic. Executive Buildiug, Augnst 13, 1891. SANPORD B. DOLE, Presidont o * tho Republic of Hawaii. By the Presideut: Fkaxoxs M. Hatch. Miuisterof Foreiga Affairs. j

Those who know elaim that this diplomatic mnster-stroke has been execute<l for a specific pnrpose. According to Mr. ' Hatch s oiheial organ, the Stat, 1 the goverumeut is iooking with j great iU feeling at tbc Britisb j «ttitnde here. The relations be- ■ iwoen Great Britain and Hawaii ! have heeome seriously slrained, I bnt statesmaa Haleh evidently ; did noi considerthe present time | snitabie to opeu hostilities. Now ! Englaud will be occnpied in I watcbiug ber vast interests in | Ohina and J*pan, and tbe Hai waiian' liepnhlie” will have afree fiold. By the advertisement in I tbe morniog paper neutrality of j Hawaii has been secnred and the I day bas arrived when £ng)and's rose will pale before the taro le*ve, the poi calabasb, aud the Siar of Hawaii. Littie Hatch has got the lion by the Uii. It will be a fa»ny sigbt when he letgo.