Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CITY DRAVAGE CO, Qa?oa snd Fort Streets. White »n*l Klaek Dravirg Done »t Reason»bIe Rates. W F SBARKETT. Ma»****. i- ® i£T MACHINE MADE -^3 POI! FACTORY, ; : KALIHI. Taro Piants, FreshToj.s »nd R»w T*ro at all lime?. Ring l*p Mulual Telephone 577. Bell 34-5. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 M»n*ger. RIN«; UP MITUAL TEI.E. 3li NIEPER’S Baggage Expres«, 3S9 Fort St.. n n. iiilu, H l. Bagg;*ge and Furn:ture Cjr*fully Handied ane Delivered at Short Xotice t> All Parti of the C:ly. Stand on Cor. of Fort dr Qceen St«. T. B. Murray % Ih Tet to »m* l'ounil On the 01d Kianil, So. I I Kiug M.—111« BiiHitieik» a» CARRIAGE .AU ANI> mi i inM’hPi ll.1V I 1IV l VI lllil Goes On. |y When tbe “P EOP LES’ PARTY ’ gets smashed he will be ready to I REP1IR. PAINT AND ĪR1M IT I At a Re.!Souable Figuro. — No Extra Chargo for Farni»hing ihem with Oominon Sen»e. LET THE.M RING UP MUTUAL TKLEPHONE 572. jj»l 6tn City - Carriage Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BEplT, M^na^ei^ BIacksmith Work A5D Carriage Repairing PAINTING :AXD : TRI.M.M1NG In all its Branches, at Bed Rock Pricea. Mutual TeIepbone 382 ttĒ" G5ve us a Ca!l and judge for yonrself. jy23 CRITERION SIL00N, Weiland • Extra • Pak • Lager Beef r 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jr!4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r % Gust. A. Mauer, AuāWAUAN HOIEL BARBER Ladies Skampooiny a speci- *! aity. Honolnlu. aucr4.