Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV PUBLIC For Uae Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Ackno*» ledgmeats to Labor Contracts. Ageut to Grant Marriage Lieen* ses, Honolnlu, OaLu. Agent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Prrr & Scott’s Freight and Parcels Expross. Agent for the Barlington Konle Real Estate Brolsr asltera! Af # -it Bell Tel. 343; Mut. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: Xo. 38 MERCHAM 1 Street Hnnolulu H Mtm.'AL Tbl. ao. p. O. Bo* ij*. WING WO TAI & CO.,i Xo. »5 NlxixtSt«ekt. Hon*U'U H. I.. Commission Merchants, ■ —Imp>)rtxe.« and Dealers ix— Generai Merchandise. Fine Manii» Cipirs. Chinese »nJ Japanese Croeker*w»re, Malliui;*, Vases ol »11 kiml*. C.nn phorwooJ Tmnks, Kattan Oliain*. A Fine Assortraent of Dris» Siiks. Chokest Bramls of Chinwe aml Ja;anese Teasof Latest lra|x>rt»tious ln*p<ctioH o/\ew Good»]r(i>i*<l/*llif *>Uciud. CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner K1NG and BETHEL St. AT ALL HOURS. Both Teiephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE, Manager. june Long Branch Establishment. This First-Class B.ithing R*S)rt> haa been cnlargej an»l is now open to the puhlie, lt is tlie btst plaee on the iplaiula to enjny a Bath. and there is no better oluee to Iay ofF. S;>ecial accoramod:ilioi;s for Ladies. Tr,iracars j>mss the d>or every half hour. and en S*turdays atid Sundays every hfteeu iniuutes. C. J. SHKRWO0D. jy94 Proprietor. 8in£ Ohaii, NO. 330 NUL’ANU STREET. HONOLULU Ta±lox A hne ni»sortraeiit i Amenean. Eug!>sh «nd Sc >tch C1 ths on h»nd g» d w«<rk .»nd a F1RST CI.ASS 6l Clothe9eaec'.dn <fc rej aired jy71ro NOTICE TO 7iatcrs. Pienie Parties. Lnans » » —*M>— GEXERAL PUBLIC! At Sjoth’s Bvs ani> Liveby Stablk, K)sg Street. {A:ijoir.;ng Metropolitan U-at Market.] 1» ihe Cfeeapest Ptace in Town ron ean g»t . Wagonede«, ind Sad<] Honw. It vīll paj j->n b> eul) aod yo« try eb«vhere. Mntaal Telephone 408 aagl-tf SAM yee hop, No. 552 Kiog Stre«t, Oealei in Califomia &nd Hawaiian Prnits &*d Vegetihles. Gaava Jelly, Tea aad Gwnnd Cofifee, 0 gars<tc. tiy»