Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCKANIC SteamshipCo l’ime Table. LOOAL LFXE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. ( Arrive Honolnln Monowai Aug 2 Alameela Ang 30 Mariposa Sep 27 Monowui Oct 25 From SyJney for San Franc>sco. Leave Honolulu. Alameila July 26 Mariposa Aug 23 M'-nowai Sept 20 Alapieda Oct 18 PACIFIC 8AL00N, Corner Kmg »nd Nnn«nn Streets. EDW. WOLTER.... Manager. The Finefit seleetk>n of LIQUORS »nd RTTF.1t, gold anywhere in Uie town. Fir8t-cl;ifw fcttendence. Call and jndge for youwelf. no 80-tf. TjlE Hm-0dEAfl POOL and BILLIARD l > jAKXa01i8 H. JUEN Proprietori * Hotel Street ncar N’uuaoo. GHAS. GIRDLER, īmporter aiul Commissiou Merchant 8PECULTlLh; J. £ P. Coats' Maehine Thread Jonas Brocts Maehine Throad Barbonr's Linen Xhr«ad Pean' Soap P. O. Box 358. Mntnal TeIephone 354 . 13 Kaahmnanu Street. B. BERGEBSEN, Oeneni Agent fbr .SINGER SEWnsra MAOHIN E COMFT. All Kinds of Needles for Sale ai Bep*iriug Done. Oamon’e Bloc Bethel Street, Honoleiu. P. ( Box 440. iV