Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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8RUCE CARTWRICHT i tJjsine«K of a Fiiiact*rr Smtare Tr»aa*clrfiPramf4 mtteDtioQ to tbe managirme&t of E>Utes, Q 'i«riun!ihips, TrosU. etc.. etc., etc. Ojhott, : Ca itrrvjht Buil<itng, j MerrLmt Slieet. Hooohihi H. MAY & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee | Hoasters ANl) Provision Merchants | 9M Fort Strect. - Houolnlo Famiiics, Plantatious and Ships sappliod with choicest Euwpean & A merican Groceriee California Produce by Every Steamer. Merchant Exchange Comer King aun Nananu 8treets. S. I. 8rIAW Proprietor. I The Finest selection of UQUORS and ; BF.KR, sold anywhere iu the town. Firet-clarta atteudance. Call and jndge for yoarself. uo 113—tf. LEWIS & C0. | : ‘ ' 'VWhoiesale snd Retail Gro AND PROVlSION DEALERfr FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICĒ By 'Svery 8an Franciaco 8teamer Salt Salmon in Barbels a Spectalti. ui Fort Sl. t Honohilu. Tel. 240 , P O. Box 207 ■ CALIFORNIA k -• . - Wine Company - 407 FORT STREET, Mdnerny Block. JOBBEKS 0F WINE8, an4 1 SPIRITS ( . |kenglun, photographer, Nuuanu aud Paoahi Street«. Cabinets : A3.50 Per Doren, “ 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 $5,50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Goo<ls and Chinose Silks. Jational leon Worip QU££N STRKKT, j Between Alakea & Richard Sta. THE UNDERSIGNED aie prepcred to make rdl kiod« oi lron Br*aa, Bronre, Zinc, 1Tin acd Le*d C*stmg». Alao Oeneial Repair 8hop for 8te*m Eapiwa. KioeMilk, Can>MiDa. Watee Wkeela, Wīnd UiOa. Mo. Maehioee l<sr th» <Vinisg oi Coāte, C*ator Oik, B<ia«a, Sum*. Sat Plaaapple Lmth ā othtr Kbnu Pkala, Asd PaperStock AUo Maehiaw for BttiaeHng 8taztk fro» tbe Maaioe, Arq« Hooi, «k. WHITB, RXT1CAN A CO.