Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

llotel Stret {_Arl»ujjton HI *ck3 TL< «hcrc Store Lm r»c«iT«d «eoihw I&roioc ot f APANE5E $ILK. f ANCY GoODS, Per S. S. “China.” -eoMniKPeBEACT1FCL SILK AXD CKAPF. I)tm* Good* in *ll -bad«, j !am »nd tipnn-d. Cnthions Tabl« Cover«, BedG>TCTS, G.r^p«, eheniaee, SLawIs. U[ Crape Kainhow Silks, All Coki« F*ncjr Dr»j«rie», EMBROIDERED HANDKEBGHIEFS I)oillkft, Sc;irfs, SaHbee, Ju< kcts, Caj«, Etc., Etc. N()VE1»TIES: l'Ue l'ni'esof thrsc *>ooda will astoniab yoU incloding £LECANT SILK KIM0N08! Mandsoioe Cigarctte Cases, Pin Cnsbions, Silk Tea Cossies, LiKUL iM> MliLL JiPlSESE KLUS Silk Umbreilaa, ligbt bnt strong; l’bair Saddle8, Silk: llaaihoo I51inds, fitted with palleys; Silk Lauip Sbadea, uew style. J Al’A S ESE (fCRCEMK, t roui »3 Vp. LlKl.L JiPl>ESE HBBELLiS e K Can be Set with Pole In the grounJ, iuōc tor ihenie* or Lunehea ont of doors, Uicy i-au bc oj>en(sl ont or nsed as a teut. COTTON CRAPES 1N GKEAT VABIKTY LV!nspei tion Kesj>ectful]y Invited. Mrs. J.P.P. Calsa< o, Aro| rittres9. Aprl2-3uis JUST ARRiVED, q 3 53 BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, dct 1N THE LATEST PATTERXS. “HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sewinq Machixis, QTAI1 With the Lateat Impiv>T«iuents’^l PABLOR Organs, Guitars And Other Mnaieal Iostrtun«nlB Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAI8 ON HASD, AKD FOK SALB BT ED. H0FFECHL1EGEE l Ctt King 8t.. oppo. Caatl« 4 Cooke*»i TO L£Tor LEAME. Ah’onee on Ktng Sirtel aest lo T. B. Walkere pnaauao eonhuniae parior, dlning room «nd threa bedroo»s, besidēa kHohen k«th«ooa> sUbl*M »nd all m«Wn oonr«ui- » —iat»ly oeonpiaA by Ur. Hnahea. Bentnx><lerat*loreap«naiUef*m. Addrew iylf AB&AHAU FEBXAXDKL