Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TUT1 IQKSIE8. WILL C' r M n»as»«i|«. { CUairt. Ciw& «11 ttia 4 **«». K*1i> r>ja*- > oUteU. n » b cbt ««nt £o». H«»r» *k Ui t tt wlll car« j Utr*n» TV* r> Tf£jlaklr mU»a ! be mi kt t - >»i Uw ;«a*«s { ctt:4, , „ ,,, _ ! p, pe, «i5jū» chr -v<rt af ml' v>M h-- .Hr«. , r.a.(i>u*w*r. »•» »>■< •««*«» **i Blt«T. 5 lft rt»oa* &aIU Removal T Hustace fe Co t - - H A VF. VOVKI> TO — Morgan*s - AueHon - Rooms for a iiai-;. 'Ve are*till *e! >ng Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL. AUiEKOEA >n.l KINDLING NVOOf> in snr qosatitT. Both Telej>hoDt‘' 41* au<> lo\/eJoy &co W{jūlegale Wiqe \ LiquoP Oealei^ 19 Nuuann Street We would eall yt>ur attention to Our Special Brtnds Longlife Pure Cream RYE VJH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in CJ3ks or bottIes 1 iil RAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchief3, Window Curtains, Straw Hats, Fans, L’ntern j , Ba3kets. nll s>rts; Dishes, Tea and Broakfast Sets, Trays, FIo«er Pots, Si!k Brdquilts, Bamboo Screer.8, Neck-ties, Silk and Crepe Shirfs, Japauese Toys. Japanese Provisions by the wholesa!e. jy2S MURATA & C0. City^Meai Mai’kei Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Established 1883. J0S. TINKER, -1 Maker of the Celehrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Them. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Sabnrbs. | Mutnal Telephon« Number 289. If Yovb Hobse ob Dog is sick send tbem at onee to 205 King Street. The only Veter inary Infirmary in the Republic fully equipped with modern applisrees and skillfull slteadants. augl-lm POUND NOTICE. Notke ts tercbv gjrea «o »Q peaooa UuU tb«re »re »1 tlie Gor«Tunent P>iund at )Ukiki. tm> *tmyed dark hiowa hom». Onr of Umw :ong «hīto <pot on tbe foit&eod, 3 vkite n» at tbe nght Uioke and bnad ii>.h*o-.bahJr oo tbe Tha otber ban beoa bru*kd imi tm »be righi bind lcg, «o» at tbe hgbt K>.t I» JLU ponoea ouruh»g tbeae hmww tn k~ q«aatod to wue &ad tikt tbe auae oo o/ bafoM 12 o'eioek aooa. *ATUKDAY. ACG. 25. 19M. * MaHki. Aog. 1A 19M.