Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LA0IE8’ COLUMK. Tliis something for nothing «rtieie. »e bad in Ust week b*.s demonstriited tbree tbiogs, FlE.Sr, tbat a g jod m*ny people want sousetLing for notbing xnd SECOND, tbe vast difference tbere is in tbe ideas of valne> — the gaesses made. rangotl from $150 to $2.000. wuile tbe nearest gnessev Mi.ss Lena Brans, who wins the Dress Pattern, was $300 , nuder tbe ralne of tbegoods; acd tb« second best gaesser Mrs, Hany Lewis was $310 over tbe valae, winning tbe second prize. THIRD, that tbe real jadges of values snap up bargains, when a rea! bargaius is offeretl. 1682 people entered onr store last week, of whieh 1563 made purcbases, because. tbev (ound what * tbey \vanted at satisfactor3’ prices. Tb s week. Embroideries, Laces, Fedora real Torobon Valencicnues, Bl.iek Spang!ed and Beaded L .ces in latest novelties will go; als<>, we want to eall your special attontion to LAD1ES ĪUBDED VESTS in eOPION at 10 cents, 12i cents, 15 cents and 25 ceuta; tbeso buve only to be lookeel at to can.se }-ou to buy tbeiu. Fino pnre wbito and Egyj.tinn Lis!e at 75 cents. All wool Eibbed Vests in wbite and n.itural colors. Silk Ribbed Ve&ts, an<l Moriuo Ribbed Vests. goo<ls wo carry iu low noek no sleeves; bigh ueek, \ sleeves, tbey are beantiful and new goods. The Australia bas bronght us no eml of new tbings, tbat we will mentioa next w'eek. B. F. EHLERS. Augcst llth. 1894. TE^STDERS Will be received by J. N. Wright, tbrongb tho Post Office Box 452. until WEDXE8DAY, AUQCST 15th, at 10 a.m. for the following work: the painting of tbe PaviUon at ladepen.lenoePark at Little Britan, the said painting to be done in a good warkmanlike manner, 2 coata, with the best quality of white leads aud Hnhaeha BoiIed Oil No. 1 besl qnaiity, coloring at option of s;iid J. N. Wright, that is to say, aU of the surfaced work beluw the shingUng inclnding railing, poaia, and bracea of «alk, leaditg to Kiug atreet. Four (4) paira of stei>s, water-cloaet iuside, a bandstand Uoor,aII otber floora not to be painted,and no puttying to bc done. Work to be awardvd on the I6th of Angnst, 18M. Contract to be fin'shed whhin 20 davs from that date. Terms of payment, one-half of the price to be paid wben the first coat of paiuting is fiuishe<l and the halanee at eompleiion of the Job in a good workmaulise manner The Buil.ling is open for at all timea. .1. N. WRIGHT. aug ll-3ts* FOR SALE. Ope M>.rquee Tent. new; Size 16x32 feet; 6 feet Wall; 13 feet Roof 8 oz. Dack; Polea, Pins, Ring Rafter, eto. Inquire at tbe HOLOMUA OFFICE. WA.ISrTElI). Three bright Hawaiian 6irls to sell the famous VIAYI REMEDY. Apply at tbe office of the Viavi Bemedy on King Street. ang6 F0R SALE - RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Orgau and Sswing Maehine inquire of >. F. ■»«>». Beretania Street. Empire Saloon, JAilES OLD3, PxonuzioK: pine Wir t es, Liqaors. Beer ALWA8 ON HAND. Comer Nnnaaa nad Hotal Slnet». BeU TtWphone 341. Post Ofion Bos)107 HoVeoI(ee^dū. Tinsmiths and Dea/ers 'IXCrockery, G/AS8ware, <$c. WATEK PIPE8 UtiO AKO PLCXBH(G NKATLT UlCnXD S*V- Nnnnnwēi, Hu.,1