Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
How » Ck>u Artift 8aved His lile / L»st S*ttoru:.y a{tern‘-on a eiiin.i artist painteti a to tbe Houoluln So«p Housa building oo Cethel stro-t Of a eeiiain Li» »t {i ladtier on wbicb be wss staiiding gave nway. and tbe paiDt«-r fell int>» u tin of &>/t S>op wbicb was sta:uling on the s:<iew«Ik. ni.irktfd ready for ahipaienl. The ehinaman is sare that tbe Soft Sosp »Aved hīs life. »nd ont of thankfnllnesb went to tfae store and asked Mr, Breham t«> lct liiin h»ve 17 btr8 cf the very best qnality of h:trd soap for $1 25 and he then went home baj>j>5* to sj>ent the rest of the eveuing. rhis all me.-:iis sacce»s. AOMiNISTRATiON*S N0TiCE. THE UNDERSIGSED havinj; been dnly j -inleU AdtBinistratrix of tbe e*t«tr of U. K K*xiHr* (k’, Ule of HaUula. Kohal», I«!»nd of !iswsiī. dece*sed. Notlcf i- berfbv jjiven to »11 creditor* of tb<- dccv»*ed to p _ e»ent tfacir cl»ims whether »ei - nre<l by M<irte»ge Or otberwi« dnlv »ntbendic»ted aad with tfae proper vouchers, f »ny eiiM. to the underrit:ned wilhin »ls monlh* (rom tb« d*te bereof or tbey wiU be £arever l>»rred; »nd »11 per*ons indebted to rhe -aid decc»»e«l »re re.juest to m»kc iramedi»te p»yment »t tbc OHlee of ?. K. K* \t. 0>rner «f Kins vnd B< tbcl Street». Up»t»ir». MU3. N'AO.MI KAAIHUE, Admlni!.;ratri\ of tbc E<Ute of II. K. K»itnrE, deceased. lionolulu, Attga» 14 K<3. 3w. , i Woven Wire Mattrasses I ■ Now. for t ip iirst tiine mamifactured r : glit h-.*re in Honolulu. By the onI_v onan oulside of the Uniled Ktngdo:ii. who use? WlRE, whieh I will not ni8t; he hivir>g secured excli!eive r : ghts to t!8e the eame. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY i- a hicki eyed phru=e. But if you want t-> b’iiid uj> « Nation, indus trie8 must be f •stered. Keep }'our ! nooney iu your own isl.mdg, and ‘ b"y a 1 * Non-Corosive Solid Comfort Spring Bed, made in Honolulu, whieh will not SAG or RUST. or a perfection cut. Cbild's Urib, Vcrendab Ch»ir, Loungc, Threc-Quatcrs Singlc »nd Full ?iKe, Folding Wire Bcdi>. ARTICLES suitnble to yonr cliin:>te; PRICES snitable to the timc8, a-= you will tind them. For tbe 13est 13EI>{*9 In the Market, I mvmmend the HAHTFORD WOVEN SPRING BED, Tnble Wire all tIirough. WOYEN as fiue as cloth. Solid 4 inehee Marple frames, Malieable Castings, Warrented in every particular. Never \'et failed to give satisfHCtiou. I offer these goods to the nuhlie with confidence, having made them for yoars. You e.in now get your very Large KOA BKDSfit;ed wilh a WIRE MATTRESS. An\’ size made lo order. Buy the BED of the FUTUBE, of Me8srs. T. H. Davies ā Co. Lt’d„ Hopp Co., Willi«ni8 Bros. t I. X. L or Ordwa\* A' Porter, 1 or of the M.iker, \Voveū Wire Bailev, 1 Holel Street, Honolulu, (aext I door to Horn's Steam Bakery,) _ aug 14-lm T§e Worid Do W|0VE ASD 90 DOE3 | - J/Les3enQss - £enrice who have inouated lheir Mcasengers on . Colnmbia - Bicycles They will 'deliver Pack>ges (up to 30 lbs. weight) and Messages quicker than by any other method ai:d cheaper too. “ Don’t be a ClamJ’ Save t;me and money by using the Mes«enger S«rvice. L. M. JOHNSOX, Man3g?r Mulaal 599 Tsl: Bell 559 jy5 3m „ - T« L£T er LEAWL Ahooa» oa Risg 8tmt sezt V> T. R- W»iktpt eoataiaiag poriur, dmiug ma ud tkM b»draoaM, haai-ia» kiWiu o «»d ifle>aveni-