Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 ʻAukake 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I I T!te baml c f -nccrt at Emmt i Mja.ire v«s vell attomled l;»st ■ evening. thre« new pieccs on the projrraiunie being tbe attniction. — T!te «5choouer W. S. Talbot ‘ eoal l»ulen arrived in port here ' Sunday frntn Newcastle N. S. \N . Tlie vessel made the voyr*ge in I i 36 daya. - Mr. G. 1). Gilliuan Hawaiian i : Consul ut Boston »t present rus- \ j ticating in Honoluln is to be (given a reception by 0 ld Feli lows this eveuing | Mrs. Featherstone is stated I to have received substantial , sympathy from Houolulu residents in the shapo of a purse contaiuing S240. Tho clond iudications on the ruouutaius presage :tn iucrease io the water supply iu t!io neur futuro. Light ruiu showers of sbort duration fell this moruiug. I Miss BurbHnk the librariau of of the j>ublic Library. gives notice that the reading rooru and reference departo3ent of the Librury "ill be closed until : furthcr nolieo. Tho meeting of tho Healani club set for M'ednesday evening next will take plaee at the vooms of tlie Chnruber of Cornmerce, and uot at tlie HoteI. Election of oflicers is the principal busiuess. Tbo raembers of the Boards of Examiuers and Begistration are ofl on their travels around Oahu in search of voters. If tbe mountain won’tcometo Mabometthen i Mahomei raust go to the mouni tain. ! . It is j>roposed bv the iuilit;iry ; mflgnates that it drill be beid tbis ; eveuing. ,The sharpshooters’ i capt.īin says a battaliou and the ! other a regimental (?) drill while the oolonel commanding says i nothing, Last uight 11. Gillilflud euter tainerl aT«rgo uumber of friends at a raost snmptous luau giren at his residence on Viney»rd street. - j Tbe three - ycars anniver-san’ of ; one of his children was the iramediatc cause of the festive eele- . bration. i Miss Anuis Montague (Mrs. Tnruer uee Cooke) well-known i in stage oircles as the ‘ Hawaiian i Nightingale’ is stated to have I decided to retiro from the stage Hiui settle hcro again iu her old > { home. i! i Tho boilding under erection on Queeu street at the foot of , j Wall Street (or Kaahumann > ! street) is decorated with a niost . j beautiful sigu By moving it a little lowards Waikikl people ou Morchant streel will bo able to 1 | ndmire the ariistic gem. i j TLe ca<e of Arthur White was i postj>ouevl in the Circuit Court s { this moruing owiog io the illness * | of the defenviant. The Conrt 1 ] was not satisfied with the doctor’s oertificale whieh was presented, 1 but Dr. Brodie was sont far to swear to his written statement; a 3 rather annsaal proce9ding. i