Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 188, 14 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
The Kiuan left this nftornooQ. Tho Clnndine snils for Mani •nd Hnwaii today at 5 p.m. Tli© Board of Heallli will probably me< t to-tnorrow aftcrnoon. In the district of Haua. Maui. only 34 porsons bave registered so far. - Mrs. Naomi Kaaihue has au adiuinistration uotico iu this issoe. The Paradi»e of the Pacitic will be publi»h©d in time for mailing by tbe Australia. Nouanu avenue needs remncadamizing ven - mueh. from Eagle Houso to School streot. Tbe moou is pretty full jnst uow bul, like the harbor-raaster, will b efaUer on the l'.Hh inst. Five stearaers leave port bere tbis afternoou for windward points of dest>nation. The French rann-of-war whieh bas been exj>ected for some tirae will probably m>t touch nt Houolulu. Soraebody will open their eyes when J. J. Egan in a few days opeus his largo iuvoice of ne* goods. ____ Loud and tbreateuing growls are beard agaiust the NN «terWorks from Nuuanu aml Kalihi. Is the water on str ke ? lt is ruraoreiI that Mr. G. Brown n well known citizen is to replace Mr. 8. M. Damon in Bisbop s bauk. Ha — Mr. Dole states tbat he bas official īnformation that “a stnte of warexists between tbe erapires of Japan and Cbina. As uaua) tbo sharp.sbooters are ordered for duty in tbe Laseraent of tbe Palacedariugtbe battalion drill this eveniug. •» • The lately organized “Hawaiian Youeg Men’a lmprovement Club" will meel ihia evening in the parlor oi the Y. M. C. A.