Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Cijlonel W. H. ConnreH is iu j town. Tue cloads loweretl bat norain poured tbis m !gain Hoo Kob«rt Hind and familr CHm»- to town by the Kinaa S*t- ■ nnl*y. lt U raraored th*t tbe Ch=»rapion will leare tomorrow for a eniae Ti.e Kinan broogbt 21 toorists from tbe Volcano on Satorday moming. Tim Morray will probably poll stroke in tbe Healani boat ncxt aeason. The finest Oyster cockt«ils ean now l>e procored at tbe Ancbor. They are simply delicioos. Tbe rine-clad telepbone wirea on Nuuano avenne, near tbe first bridge, bare been removerl. Ail of tbe “per»onally condacted ’ party to the Volcano retarncd rnucb pleuscd witb tbe trip. Tbe bark S. G. Wilder eow fullv dae bere from San Fran- | # " cisco. Frank Allen wbo lately foagbt a druw wilh Jira 13 irron in Colma, near Sau Franeisco, is iu town. I Mr. Pael Neumann and faruily will spend some time at S»us Souci, tho favored soaside re i j sort. Smitb’H bossee are dailv kcpt busy conveying pieuie part ee to roany points for plejsure aud | recrottion. lu the case of the Repnblic vs. E. Norrie, sedition, the uttorney - generul, thi» morning entered a nolle pro». Stroug wimla blew Satorduy evening and Snnday, at tiraes bo- ! ing presented ou heavy 8qaalls. i I dust wus painfnlly visible. ■ 1 " “Greek George,” the loeal 1 Ktrong man, will give the puhlie un opportnnity to judge of his prowess in Ihe near foture. i . j 5089 bags s«gHr. 273 sacks * “spuds, '39 t-acks corn, 35 bales wool. «nd 3-15 pKgs. mdse, eom- ' prised the Kinaue inuanl cargo , The over hanging vines ou the . sule of tho Bisbop premises on Emmi street. are obnoxious to ! pedestvians, »nd sboold be trimj med. Another case of poisonmg is j reported from the barraoks. This tiine the royalists don’t get the hlame. aml the nnthorities keep •i ' i very mum. s j The U. S. Flugship Pbiladel- - i phia sailed yesteiday moruing, t at 8:30 o'eloek, for Suu Francis $ eo. Admiral Walker is anxious - to be detailed ’to tbe Asiatio , statiou. When vou find yourseI{ engag a * . ed to do shupping just have a11 yonr buudlts seut to one plaee, hiuI bave one of tbe Messonger Boys deliver tbem for you at your home. 0 Saloon-keepers all state tbat ■ tho naiional drink of Japan, 1 * saki,” is now becoming tbe p«> 3 pular drink with Hawaiiana butb 1 on accoont of it» cbeapuess and e i its “burniug” qna!ities. 1 ; - . . s ; A number of tbo broken-be&rt * Ied ‘Hain»'* got too late to tbe * i wbarf yesterday moruing to say goodbye to the departing Philal- delpbia’a officers. “It was an s j awful sbame of tbe Admiral not 8 to wait for the dove}--dovevs.” J !

Robert Jackson Ordway a well known and nineh respected citizen of San Fransisco died in that city on the 3utk ult. The deceased w.*s tbe fatber of the well known Ordway brothers, (W F: G A; and U J.) of this city Chicf Steward James of the steamer Australia staid over in “Fri>co" tbis trip to attend t*i ao.ue partioular basiness. He has deUiled hia assistaut Mr. Hannyan. to look oat for tfae oomforU of tbe sbi|>s guests during Uie return trip.