Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 187, 13 ʻAukake 1894 — Another Version. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Another Version.

Somc timo ngo there eaiuo from Honolulu a decidedly fautistic story to tbe otfect that tbo Bntish warshij» Chuiiif>ion had gone ofl to M*ize w>a gull perch kuown uh Neckar lsland, uhieh, thoogh nn aj>pcnage to tho liawni’.nn gronp, had never, so to sj)enk, been lognlly n«turali*ad The vigilnnt prOTisional govornraent. bowever, chnrtorcd n fnst steanier (the Champion eouhl run away frotn nnv vessel at the Jslands), whieh outsailed the Britinh wnvship, so tho story ran. and triumphantlv |>lnnted tho Hawaiinn llng on the barron and uniuhahited rock. This grotes«jue romance was so ridictiluus that no one took the trouble to deny it, and il dted of its own vacu:ly. This weok. however, it comos to ns ng«in in u somowhat changed form. The new form contiadicts the old stor>’ in nll essential j)nrticulars. mul goos to show that somebody haa been “ making game" of the provisiona! government mul our own daily pajier8, and liaa uol tirod of the nniusement yet. In its uew form the »torv «Hsort« that the Minister of Mi)itary Aflfairs of the oolouv of Vietoria. Anstralia. ecnt a reprej»entative to Uonolulu to charter a steamer to g> to Neckar Island aad take possession of it, in tbo exj'ecU«tion that the British Governmout voold ratify tho «ct aud assumo tho resjvonsibility for it; nlso that the eeheme miscarried by rea»on of the leakage in the tongue of the representative The jvretense behind all this romanriog is that Neckar island is wantevl as “a statiou' foi « cab)e lioe across tbe Pacifia Oeean whieh is now projected. Iu it» uow forra the romance is oven more ridiculons tkan in iU o)d shajie. Neekm Islaod woukl be perfectly neelena for the purpose meotione«l or any other eonceivable employmeat. It is bar-

ren, nninhahileil. nninhabitable. aml difticult to laud cu even io fiue weather. Besides thnt, tbe colony of Viclona is in no w»y iub»re«toil in the propoeed c ible whieh will ron either to Kew Ze«land or New Sonth Walee.— AV*w LdUr. m m — i ■«> 0 Only 7.71*4 bag* of sngar wne the ioUl of the aaehanne cnrg<.M» of tbe at> awem Miknhala, Kiuau, Waiileale aud Claudme.